Can you think of a situation where you have identified your survival instinct taking control over you?

New Home Forums Course Forums Happiness 8. Know Your Instincts: What’s Stopping You from Seeking Connection? Can you think of a situation where you have identified your survival instinct taking control over you?

  • #28515


    Can you think of a situation where you have identified your survival instinct taking control over you?

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 25 total)
  • Author
    • #280604
      Innocent Mushiya

      Yes,unfounded fears,doubts,making calculations before doing something etc…

    • #280462
      kevin jackson

      Many times 🤔

    • #219267


    • #219247

      It happens most of the time each and every day. The only question is to what extent it take over. I find that getting exposed to positive and uplifting messages/things really helps balance things out and also help with controlling my toughts and emotions when the negative rushes in.

    • #188029

      Too many to count.  Unfortunately, we’re raised to not pay attention to our “gut feeling.”  Or I should say, that’s how it worked out for me.  I have a difficult time “trusting” my instincts, but I’ve gotten better at it, simply by looking back over the course of my life and identifying each and every time something really bad happened and remembering that YES, my intuition……my instinct was dead on, trying to warn me of danger.  When it happens now, I slow down and give myself time to let the universe show me why another person is unsafe.  And in a heightened sense of panic…, I steer clear of those folks without hesitation.

    • #188024

      Yes, two months ago I got the corona vaccine and my husband is against the vaccine, so after that day, repeatedly several times a day, news of people who died of the corona vaccine and the side effects of the corona vaccine He told me that after a few days, my sex with him was cut off and he was bleeding for two days before my uterus. As a result of this reaction of my body and the news and…. These had a profound effect on my relationship with my students, friends, colleagues, and family

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 25 total)
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