Why is it difficult for us to notice the way in which our environment influences us?

New Home Forums Course Forums Happiness 9. Why You Must Take Control of Your Day-to-Day Environment Why is it difficult for us to notice the way in which our environment influences us?

  • #28521


    Why is it difficult for us to notice the way in which our environment influences us?

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 29 total)
  • Author
    • #286140
      dree monster

      our ego blinds us

    • #284049
      Richard Lively

      Life and perception changed for me around 4-5 years old.  I grew up very poor, we lived in a garage not an actual house.  We did not have things such as TV, we didnt even have news at all.   I did not have the luxuries to “fit in” so I never tried.   I simply just accepted and dealt with the fact that Life would be harder.  This stared with another kid robbing me of my shoes that were a donation of some other kind family at something called a Clothing bank.  There never was a concept of instant gratification and I raise my children today with no digital media or let them just watch anything on television.  We focus on strong morals ethics and values and we put the creator first always.   When people come to my house they bless the food out of respect for having it, we thank the land for providing it, and we never take for granted what we have, and i never remind them of what i did not.  My kids will definitely be a different version of human coming out of this pandemic and generation.

    • #283639

      Because we are part of it and are functioning on the same level as the other parts involved.

      We muss change our perspective in order to see how we interact: go on vacation to see another culture, move to a different country, change our workplace, learn another language. See ourselves in new environments.

      But it’s uncomfortable, so we tend to avoid it. It’s cosy and nice to be among those who think like me, because then I know that I am right :).

    • #282600

      Because we have lost touch with our true self

    • #280608
      Innocent Mushiya


    • #280464
      kevin jackson

      Our ego is not in the business of revealing itself to us because it wants to remain in total control

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 29 total)
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