Do you ever feel like reality is the product of your own perception?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality Do you ever feel like reality is the product of your own perception?

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    • #329377

      Absolutely! even we are living same place ( as a family) , we see our world  differently.

      I was wondering why reality was so different. now I have start to  understand .

    • #328783
      Jarrett Twaddle

      sometimes i get a glimpse – more and more often lately, praise HaShem.

    • #326342

      Yes, and thankfully there also seems to be a “buffer” that prevents immediate outcomes! I say this only because I have much work to do to correct my intentions toward being altruistic.

    • #326283

      Yes and I have a corporeal example for this. When I go to therapy I feel this way. There is me and there is a person I feel like he perceives things differently. I live in my own perception world while he has studied and incorporated all kinds of different worlds people are living in.

      The patients of a therapist live in the same world while perceiveing it differently according to their inner qualities and they can’t show other people the way they perceive things and only someone who incorporated their perception can help them and guide them.



    • #325914

      Yes. I find myself thinking about a specific thing and its potential outcome, it usual shows up.

    • #325292

      Perception is built. It is conditioned, limited, changing and relative. If I am to get in direct contact with the reality, my mind has to be corrected from its individual perspective.

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