Do you sense the surge of narcissism and self – centeredness in our culture? Where do you feel the effects of egoism in your life the most?

New Home Forums Course Forums Crossroads Film Course #1: HUMANITY AT A CROSSROADS Do you sense the surge of narcissism and self – centeredness in our culture? Where do you feel the effects of egoism in your life the most?

  • This topic has 16 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by Lu Lu.
  • #28400


    Do you sense the surge of narcissism and self – centeredness in our culture? Where do you feel the effects of egoism in your life the most?

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    • #288940

      ikziein mijn naaste omgeving narcisme,   mensen die enkel denken aan zichzelf  alsof ze alleen leven  en niet in een gezin, een  buurt ,een dorp, of stad . Vandaar  vandalisme,   oproer, onvrede. Ook  op werkterrein is veel  egoisme en enkel interesse voor zichzelf , men wil de beste zijn , de top  bereiken, elkaar beconcurrerren, zelfs uitschakelen  om zo eigen  idealen te kunen  bereiken  tenkoste van anderen.  Ook  in de  politieke  en zakenwereld is het een harde wereld.   Ik zie in mijn omgeving dat het mensen, collega ‘s( meestal vrouwen)  ziek maakt  omdat ze  dit niet aankunnen, zo niet willen leven  en dit hen diep raakt . Ik ben best tevreden dat ik  meer altruistisch ben ingesteld ,  dit leerde van thuis uit,  en  ook met  de studie van  kabbalah  dit  inzicht  kon verstereken,  me bevestigd wist, en  dit nu  meer durf te tonen en tegen de stroom  van egoisme en narcisme  durf ingaan. Dit helpt  mezelf  maar ook anderen.  Al is het ook met vallen en opstaan.

    • #288927

      Narcissism and self-centeredness have reached a ridiculously high value, thus we produce expensive things for poor people so that they feel rich, while the truly rich are too blinded by the brightness of their wealth and can see nothing else.
      I feel the effects of egoism in our life most in the pursuit of the untamed corporeal desires that blind us to the possibility of destroying our own species.

    • #288257
      David J

      In all the cultures I’ve lived among the increases of both are obvious.  l now understand the reason for this. Understanding brings peace. The ego helped bring me to Kabbalah

    • #283847
      Richard Lively

      I do not consider myself self centered, I pretty much live to help everyone.   I also do not consider myself a narcissist because I would make sure others have before I have.  How ever I fight my ego on this because I do feel ego in these actions, if its not a “look at these great things I am doing for others, it may appear in the actual feel good emotion for being able to help someone else.  I do consider myself egoist but i know im not a narcissist they only care about themselves and I truly genuinely care for all.

    • #281098
      kevin jackson

      I feel the effects inside of me

    • #187256

      With the spread of civilization in all dimensions, human selfishness to obtain the most facilities and use of resources has grown, which results in an increase in greenhouse gases, destruction of nature, global warming, the spread of various diseases, wars and… in We are witnessing the global level and increase of divorce, domestic and street quarrels, children of divorce, loss of identity among the youth and wandering.

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