Do you sense the surge of narcissism and self – centeredness in our culture? Where do you feel the effects of egoism in your life the most?

New Home Forums Course Forums Crossroads Film Course #1: HUMANITY AT A CROSSROADS Do you sense the surge of narcissism and self – centeredness in our culture? Where do you feel the effects of egoism in your life the most?

  • This topic has 16 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by Lu Lu.
  • #28400


    Do you sense the surge of narcissism and self – centeredness in our culture? Where do you feel the effects of egoism in your life the most?

Viewing 4 posts - 13 through 16 (of 16 total)
  • Author
    • #184472
      Jan Koons

      I see the world as becoming extremely divided and self-centered. Certain areas are much more narcissist than others and certain groups of people are more so. Perhaps this has always been – it is just more noticeable now? I have to remind myself to get out of my own egoism and studying Kabbalah helps me do that.

    • #183964

      I have a very strong sense that narcissism and egoism are increasing. Much research into narcissism also shows that narcissism is more prevalent in some cultures – no surprise that the culture that produces the most narcissists is modern, western, culture – and that narcissistic personality disorder (the most extreme form of narcissism) has been rising steadily in recent years. I see this in my own life as well, in terms of how certain people close to me have treated me, which has been personally very painful.

    • #126857

      In every human culture I have been privileged to experience this tendency is obvious

    • #45182

      A surge of narcissism in my self is centered in our Colombia culture, the Effects of egoism in my life have the effects in my own mother!!

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