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- This topic has 55 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago by
Gianni – KabU Instructor.
- June 27, 2021 at 7:23 am EDT #55425
Gianni – KabU InstructorModeratorGet your questions answered by a KabU instructor.
- AuthorReplies
- September 26, 2024 at 1:30 pm EDT #390073
ParticipantOn the check for understanding quiz I have tried twice now but when I put All of the Above in question 3 it defaults to the number 4 answer starting with Atik… I will move on, tried again, same result. fyi.
- September 26, 2024 at 2:28 pm EDT #390077
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorOk, thank you, Sheila.
- November 9, 2023 at 5:03 am EST #334547
ParticipantIn all my years of grappling with Kabbalah, I have to say you are one of the most lucid and captivating teachers I have seen. Amazing stuff. You have a lot of Light shining through you.
- November 9, 2023 at 7:41 am EST #334548
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorThank you, Matt. I’m happy you’re with us! This content itself has a lot of Light in it and hopefully, I only open my mouth and expose students to the source, which is Baal HaSulam.
- September 29, 2023 at 4:55 pm EDT #331774
ParticipantDank aan Michael voor het stellen van weliswaar interssante maar voor mij moeilijke vragen, Dank aan teacher Gianni voor het beantwoorden ervan . Ik heb er veel van geleerd!
- September 26, 2023 at 1:42 pm EDT #331601
Is the Enter the Zohar book collection in english?
I have been reading the Zohar online at: Kabbalah Library Home / Michael Laitman / Books / Каббалистические книги черной серии / The Zohar / The Zohar / Rose
I’m wondering if the Zohar book in the Enter the Zohar collection is the same Zohar found online at the above address? I would like to buy it.
- September 26, 2023 at 1:49 pm EDT #331602
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorYou can see all our books here. The one you refer to I believe there is no free PDF for.
- September 26, 2023 at 2:31 pm EDT #331610
ParticipantThanks Gianni.
I know about the bookstore, I am looking at it right now. I am considering buying the Enter the Zohar collection.
But, I’m wondering if the one I referred to is part of the Enter the Zohar collection? I would like to buy the collection if the Zohar I seek is there?
I already have a pdf version (it was free but I don’t remember when or where I got it, exactly) but I would like to buy the actual book – if it’s the same as the one online?
- September 26, 2023 at 2:50 pm EDT #331613
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorBe sure you’re getting the PRINT edition if you go for it.
Unlocking the Zohar- Introductory book to the Zohar. I haven’t read through this one, but from what I’ve read it looks good. Let’s call it a beginner book through the lens of the Zohar.
Let There be Light – great set of especially inspiring Zohar quotes. I used it a lot.
The Kabbalist- Novel based on discussions with Dr. Laitman about Baal HaSulam’slife (Someone recommended it to me and I highly recommend it)
The Zohar: Annotations to the Ashlag Commentary – The Rose with commentary by Dr. Laitman based on his talks with RABASH
The Revelation of the Book of Zohar in Our Time – small pamphlet-like book of quotes.
Introduction to the Book of Zohar- Baal HaSulam’s long article of the same title, with commentary.
- September 26, 2023 at 3:23 pm EDT #331615
ParticipantAlright, I think I am all set.
Sorry I drug you into this, I should have looked first.
I did just look and The Zohar: Annotations to the Ashlag Commentary is the one I am reading online. Good.
I read The Kabbalist online a while ago (I enjoyed it).
The others look interesting too. Particularly, Unlocking the Zohar- Introductory book to the Zohar and Let There Be Light
I will be buying.
- September 25, 2023 at 1:29 pm EDT #331534
ParticipantGianni, I need you .. I’m flustered ..
In Atzilut, according to your Blueprint of Creation diagram:
Atik = Upper Keter, Hochma
AA = lower Keter
AVI = Bina
ZON = ZA & Nukva
In Atzilut, according to the table of degrees diagram in the Zohar; the Rose.
AA = Keter
AVI = Hochma
MA (ZA and Malchut are called ZON) = ZA
BON, Nukva = Malchut
Could you please help me make sense of this? They seem very different .. what am I missing?
*Edit: I attached screen shots of the 2 diagrams but it appears they did not post.
- September 25, 2023 at 2:49 pm EDT #331539
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorThese terms are sometimes flexible since AA and Atik are functioning as Keter. Sometimes Atik is not taken into consideration, in which case AA in as the Keter. Because Atik is hidden; it as if has no relation to the Lower Ones.
- September 25, 2023 at 4:27 pm EDT #331549
ParticipantThank you.
But how can AVI = Bina in one diagram and AVI = Hochma in another?
I know AVI in Nekudim = Hochma & Bina (Aba ve Ima).
Do they become interchangeable in Atzilut? How? Why?
- September 25, 2023 at 5:12 pm EDT #331555
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorThere are a couple of things here.
There is some interchangeability depending on what we want to emphasize. Like in school, if a kid is misbehaving, the teacher might say, “Should I call mom?” – meaning call home. Mom is a stand-in for both parents as Bina can be for AVI. The Partzufim don’t change, but what we call them might, depending on their function. Like I can be called dad, teacher, etc. If we want to deemphasize Atik because it’s practically irrelevant to the actions we’re talking about now, we can consider AA the Keter, because toward the Lower Ones, it is truly working as Keter because Atik can have no connection with the Lower Ones because it belongs to Tzimzum Aleph, and the Lower Ones belong to Tzimzum Bet. Too, we can decide to emphasize the Bina in AVI, or in some cases, it’s as if Bina is not working and instead it’s YESHUT, which is part of Bina.
There are additional sub-Partsufim as well as other names for them, and indeed a whole ocean that stands behind the few words we have to talk about this. So, it’s probably best to learn one text at a time. Zohar is also not really a study text that we can learn systematically. But I’m happy to keep answering…
- September 25, 2023 at 5:55 pm EDT #331559
ParticipantOne text at a time. I know. But .. I’m thirsty Gianni. So damn thirsty. I wish I could scan all the texts like Number 5 – ahh input, more input!!
But, you helped me here, I can see it starting to rearrange in my head. It’s a little tricky. I will read what you wrote a few more times and break it into pieces and see how that goes.
You are a big help. I’m very grateful.
- November 11, 2022 at 2:40 am EST #303929
ParticipantWhy is there 5 Phases/Partzufim in world of Adam Kadmon, but only 4 in the world of Atzilut.. what is the root for world of AK & Atzilut?
- November 11, 2022 at 10:07 am EST #303943
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorIt’s always Ten Sefirot. That’s the structure of reality. But these ten forces have different names in different places because it depends on our relationship to them. It’s like the same person could be dad, grandpa, professor depending on where he is and towards whom. We also don’t mention some of them sometimes because they’re not so important in that place, like we don’t mention Keter, root, in the name Four Phases of Direct Light.
The key here is to understand that on the one hand Kabbalists are writing about a real reality that they’re attaining. That’s why it’s so hard for us to put it together in our heads, and we just need to look for the Upper Light that through the wisdom of Kabbalah can change our qualities of egoistic reception, and then we will feel it all and realize that it’s all very simple.
To your other question, the root of the 5 worlds is Keter, Hochma, Bina, ZA, Malchut, respectively. So the root of Atzilut is Zeir Anpin. The wisdom of Kabbalah is all about Atzilut because it’s where our vessels can receive correction and filling with the Upper Light.
- December 5, 2022 at 10:30 pm EST #305898
ParticipantHello Gianni,
The root of Atzilut is ZA?
A while ago I watched a video where Gil showed a chart:
At least, that’s what I think I remember. What did I miss?
*As I was re-reading this post I realized these are 2 different things. I think.
What your saying is “the root of Atzilut is ZA” .. meaning, ‘the root of complete unification with the Creator is in one’s desire to bestow and receive nothing for himself’.
But what was Gil saying?
Putting these questions into words is almost as hard as the material itself.
How far off am I?
- December 5, 2022 at 10:55 pm EST #305900
Participant… unless it’s inverted? If the root of Atzilut is ZA, then AK is Malchut .. Beria is Bina, Yetzira is Hochma, and Assiya is Keter?
Why would it be inverted? It’s at the tip of my brain but it’s not coming through.
Does it have to do with intensity of desire? I.e. the coarsest world (Assiya) has the least desire for spirituality (Keter)?
And the most spiritual world (AK) has conquered the highest levels of selfishness (Malchut)?
I’m getting dizzy …
- December 5, 2022 at 10:51 pm EST #305899
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Michael,
You’re right that if we number the 5 worlds then AK is Keter, Atzilut is Hochma, Beria is Bina, Yetzira is ZA, and Assiya is Malchut. Stay with that, and later we’ll learn why there’s something else when all the worlds get shattered, and then we have to reconstruct them, and then the values change accordingly.
- December 6, 2022 at 12:58 am EST #305902
ParticipantI think I know, I just need a refresher..did I touch on it in my second post?
- December 6, 2022 at 11:31 am EST #305918
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorNo 🙂
If speaking generally, there are 5 worlds and they appear one below the other. But if we zoom into the process, then they are coming out in a certain way. First comes the world of AK. As the Partzufim of AK come out – Galgalta, AB, SAG, MA, BON – out of SAG comes the World of Nikudim, which Shatters. According to its qualities, it is in the place of Zeir Anpin and Malchut of all the worlds. When it shatters, a new World needs to be built, in a special way, so that it can correct these parts. This World, according to its place and its qualities, corresponds to Zeir Anpin. This is Atzilut, also called “new MA”. This Atzilut then gives birth to the rest of the worlds, Beria, Yetzira, Assiya. All this is to build a system through which the broken vessels can ascend, correct and be filled with the Upper Light.
- December 6, 2022 at 3:50 pm EST #305931
ParticipantThanks Gianni.
Is the World of Nikudim related to Nekudot de SAG?
Is the World of Nikudim another term for ZON (Malchut (BON) & ZA (MA))? Or just MA?
In other words, (my current understanding), the WTR (will to receive) makes a restriction against reception for self-gratification, but then decides it will accept a portion of the Light but only for the Creators sake.
This intention is what activates the world of AK and gives me my first 10 Sefirot.
*(can I think of the 10 Sefirot as being like the atomic structure of a spiritual thought?)
Once in AK, the first attempt at ‘not for me’ is called Galgalta.
Here in Galgalta, the WTR attempts to receive Light at the most difficult levels, 4/4, but fails to receive only for the Creator, so she gives the Light back.
*(sort of like, as you mentioned, I’m in the forest with no clothes because I’m trying to want nothing for mysef. However, I am given a full jumpsuit and I try to enjoy the jumpsuit only because it was a gift and not because it keeps me warm, .. but instead, all I can think about is how cozy I am, which is a selfish thought, which I don’t want, so I give the jumpsuit back)
Then, I try again at a less difficult level, 4/3, which Is called AB.
Here, I am given just a pair of jeans, which doesn’t help me as much as a jumpsuit, but I still can only enjoy them for myself rather than as a kind gift, so I return the jeans as well.
Next, I move to SAG, 3/2.
And here is where I get lost …
Here in SAG, I am given just a pair of socks which is not as useful as either a jumpsuit or pair of jeans but I discover I truly don’t want them for myself, but only for the giver, and this gives me access to the Sefirot of Nekudot de SAG (sof).
How does that lead to the World of Nikudim? Is it just another name for MA, which becomes the World of Atilut????
Where does MA and BON come in to this sequence?
I think I see why you said the root of Atzilut is ZA. It’s because MA is ZA and MA is where Atzilut is derived. Therefore, the root of Atzilut is ZA (MA). And MA is also known as World of Nikudim. Is this even close?
But then where does BON come in?
I’ll leave it here because I’m not certain my current understanding is even correct.
Please extricate me from this tangled mess.
- December 6, 2022 at 4:25 pm EST #305933
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorThe world of Nikudim is the world that is born after Nekudot de SAG descend down to the vessels below the Tabur. The Nekudot are Lights that only want to bestow and that’s why they can be anywhere. That’s because the Lights are expelled down to the level of 2/2. In that, there’s no Light of Hochma.
Think of the World of Nikudim as its own thing. It’s enough to understand what’s happening there without mixing it with other things.
I can’t clothe into your examples, but if they help you put things in order…
MA and BON are not in this. They’re not detailed here. They’re Partzufim of AK. Everything comes from SAG. All the worlds are born from SAG.
- December 6, 2022 at 7:50 pm EST #305948
ParticipantHey Gianni,
I have in my old notes (from an article by Rav Laitman – I didn’t note down the title) that Nikudim is the 4th partzuf of AK, which is MA.
In your Blueprint of Creation glossary you said that the World of Nikudim (in small state) comes out on Reshimot 2/1, which is also MA. And again, in its big state, on Reshimot 4/3, which is AB.
Here, in your response, you wrote that I should think of the World of Nikudim as its own thing and that it is not detailed here:
“MA and BON are not in this. They’re not detailed here.”
I’m finding this apparent contradiction confusing. Could you help me clarify?
- December 6, 2022 at 7:09 pm EST #305941
ParticipantThanks. I know that was a lot to look at.
Your response was very helpful.
Of course, it leads to more questions but I’ll hold off until I see what I can discern on my own.
I’ll be back when I can organize my thoughts into a coherent question.
Thanks again.
- December 6, 2022 at 11:55 pm EST #305958
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorThat’s correct. And there’s no contradiction. Nevertheless there’s a difference between MA and BON of AK, and Nekudot de SAG, the World of Nikudim, and “new MA.” Sit with it some more and things will gradually come together.
- December 7, 2022 at 5:43 pm EST #306038
ParticipantHello again.
I now know Partzuf MA of AK clothes SAG from the Tabur down, and is divided into internality and externality.
1. Does this mean the desire to receive nothing becomes the desire to receive but only in order to give?
2. Does ‘from the Tabur down’ mean: at the most selfish level?
3. What is meant by internality and externality here?
4. Also, where does all this technical language come from? Baal Hasulam?
Thank you very much for your time.
p.s. how long did it take you to organize and memorize all the technical language? Are there any secrets you picked up along the way to make it easier?
- December 7, 2022 at 8:16 pm EST #306046
Gianni – KabU Instructor
Moderator1. There’s already a desire to receive if it’s in order to bestow, Above – in AK.
2. From the Tabur down – yes – those vessels are more intensely egoistic.
3. Externality is defined as the Kelim below the Chazeh in the Partzuf.
4. The ARI. Although all Kabbalists attained this language (one of 4 languages suitable for describing the Upper World).
5. As you study, the Light works, especially if it is somehow aimed at connection with others and the Upper Force. To that extent, a feeling will develop, and from the feeling you awaken these things that are actually inside you, the parts of your soul; and then we really start understanding.
- December 8, 2022 at 4:25 pm EST #306115
Externality then would be from the middle of Tifferet and below? Implying that internality is from upper Tifferet and above?
Simpy put: internality = qualities of bestowal and externality = qualities of reception?
Moving on, in saying ‘MA clothes SAG’ are we simply detailing the movement of the creature from the desire to give and not receive, into the desire to receive only to give?
Is this another way of expressing phase 2 moving to phase 3? What exactly is meant by ‘clothes’? Does SAG take the form of MA, or the reverse?Also, is the world of AK just a more detailed look into the 4 phases of direct light?
Finally, with regards to my previous posts, can we say that after SAG comes into play it produces Atzilut, and Atzilut is the ‘new MA’ meaning it takes the place of MA but below the Tabur? .. and this gives us the means (worlds) to develop and eventually clothe back up to MA (ZA) of AK?
Or does climbing back up the worlds bring me back into SAG? Does the correction end at ZA or SAG?
I know (I think I know) correction begins with SAG i.e. the desire to be similar to the Creator; giving. But we cant just give because we are receivers by nature so ZA must be the final destination i.e. receiving only to give. Is that affirmative?
*a side thought arose as i was typing: Is the World of Nikudim just another term for ABYA? I.e. the worlds below the Tabur?
I don’t know if these are intelligent questions or just a complete scrambling of the reality, but if I don’t ask someone who knows I will end up walking around with imaginary facts.
I think I’ve gone as far as I can on my own reading and watching, now I need a living expert to guide me straight.
I’m not confused by the spiritual concepts. I know the basic plan, purpose, correction; how the Light works on us, how we interact back with it through our connections and intentions, and how the Creator’s thought is manifested through the creature in stages; shattered and rebuilt, etc. I’m just trying to pair them with the technical layer.
Your experience is invaluable and much appreciated.
- December 9, 2022 at 2:47 pm EST #306206
Gianni – KabU Instructor
Moderator1. Yes, externality is vessels of reception, internality is vessels of bestowal.
2. The whole process from Above down is done from Above, and it is the preparation of the Kli to receive in order to bestow.
3. No, we can’t say that it’s the movement from Phase 2 to 3, we’re not in the 4 Phases of Direct Light, but after the 4 phases. After all, the Nekudot de SAG is going on inside SAG, and SAG is a Partzuf of AK: Galgalta, AB, SAG, MA, BON.
4. Clothing (Levush) is ZA that was separated from the Ohr Pnimi and became Ohr Makif. Also, each inferior Partzuf is considered “clothing” with respect to its Superior.
5. No, don’t think of it that something is just an expression of something else. Except that all you have in Creation is the negotiation between the Light and Kli. The Light according to its laws, the Kli according to its laws of development.
6. We can say that everything below Tabur is taking place in SAG. We can’t say “takes the place of…” We’ll have to later see how everything is connected to everything; nothing is taking the place of anything. You can look at Baal HaSulam’s article HaIlan (The Tree) to see how everything rolls up behind us like a carpet as we correct all the Kelim.
7. No, the correction doesn’t begin in SAG. We’re talking here about a process from Above down. That means that it’s done from Above. There’s a Desire, but it’s being brought through all these stages. The system is being built. Then it’s ready for correction. Correction begins from our world when we climb up through this system.
8. No, Nikudim is not just another term for something else. It isn’t the Worlds of ABYA. Before Nikudim there is formed the Place (Makom) for the Worlds of ABYA. Nikudim spreads in this Place, but there’s no Worlds of ABYA. Nikudim is shattered. From the broken pieces forms Atzilut. From Atizult, in the Place of the Worlds of ABYA, spreads downwards the Worlds of ABYA themselves.
I’m happy to answer all your questions. If you persist there will be more and more, so you will eventually answer these, but other questions will multiply. That’s because behind these words is a whole ocean, worlds. Baal HaSulam just gives a few details of the architecture in which opens the spiritual reality. It’s good you’re getting a foothold though, only for the purpose that that allows you to dig in more, and be influenced by the Light. Everything – sensations, perceptions, knowledge – will come only from the Light’s influence.
- December 9, 2022 at 7:03 pm EST #306226
ParticipantHere’s a fun (or maybe irritating) exercise: how would you express – as a random example – the concept of Nikudot de SAG in common practical language?
Here’s my attempt for an example of what I mean:
Nekudot de SAG = the ability of the creature to go into deep egoistic desires without being corrupted by them, brought on by the creatures attainment of a desire to give rather than receive. Or, as mentioned somewhere along in my studies: can be left alone in the treasury because he has no desire for self-satisfaction.
Is that what the state of Nikudot de SAG implies?
Maybe this illustrates what I mean by my difficulty in pairing the spiritual concepts with the language. I feel like I would understand the diagrams and technical language better once I understand what spiritual concepts each alludes to.
I suppose I could just try and remember the process in the technical language itself in only its terms, in a mechanical way, but my mind wont let me move past any single word or phrase without first knowing what it means at its core.
After all, this entire wisdom speaks only about, as you said, “..the negotiation between the Light and Kli..” or (+) & (-), giving and receiving.
Are you familiar with computer programming by any chance? I’m a web developer by education. I guess I’m looking for the pseudocode in all this. The plain language expression as it coincides with the technical..
Thank you for your patience.
*I have the article you mentioned saved on my phone already. I was dissecting it but decided I would just ask an expert and stop being stubborn. Which is why I have been hitting you with all these questions.
I almost don’t want to submit this but it took 20 minutes to type..
- December 9, 2022 at 8:44 pm EST #306235
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorNekudot de SAG, about which I gave an example, is like a mother who descends to the level of her children, to take care of them. She can give them what they need to develop, and not more. She works according to their correct demand.
The problem here is that you can’t just know the code. Every line of this code is a sequence of internal actions that one has to do. The very first symbol in the code, and even the first pixel of the first symbol is such an internal action that a person has never done, and can’t do. He doesn’t have such moves, such tools, not in his brain or heart. Only the Light can do it upon him. Thus, one’s work is to draw the Reforming Light.
- December 12, 2022 at 4:48 pm EST #306421
ParticipantI do tend to rush when I want something. I have been trying to link the internal actions with the code through some type of metapahor that will give me an aha moment, but I’ll wait for it to happen in due time. I have made some progress over the weekend just by staring at your diagrams and re-watching your videos. It’s slowly unfolding.
1. Meanwhile, could I define Nikvey Enaim as: a communication with the upper light in which Malchut discerns that it must receive and will do so only to give and not for self?
I’m aware that it is tied with Bina, as per your glossary: “..this is a place in Rosh de SAG, which is Bina, but also pertains to the upper Sefirot of Bina..” and that a coupling that takes place there.
I’m looking for what actually goes on of now all I have concluded is what I asked.
Also, when it is written, “.. as the screen refines from Tabur to Peh, the Partzuf Nekudot de SAG emerges..”
2. .. is that to say that when Malchut of Guf – i.e. the will to receive for self – moves into Malchut of Rosh – i.e the will to receive for the Creator – then Nekudot de SAG emerges?
Is that an accurate translation? Or are we saying something else?
Thanks Gianni.
- December 12, 2022 at 10:45 pm EST #306444
Gianni – KabU Instructor
Moderator1, From the Tzimzum (Restriction) onward there is that trend: how are we going to complete the Plan of Creation? The goal of Creation is not for us to bestow, but to Receive. The correction of Creation is for us to Bestow. So, every act is aimed at fulfilling this Plan. In Nikvey Enaim there is recognized (to personify what is the unfoldment of the system’s program) an opportunity to Bestow the Light of Hassidim down below, meaning to spread the quality of Bestowal. Previously, they could not spread whatsoever. Also down below, understand that they aren’t criminals that want to steal; they are also Restricted. But if there is an opportunity in which it is going to now be possible to Bestow, they want to realize it instantly. Bestowal doesn’t wait for the next moment, and the law of bestowal is also that there is no limit to it, but the more you can bestow – another drop and another drop – like there is no limit to how much a person is willing to receive money, let’s say. So, with bestowal.
2. Episod 9: TANTA explains the mechanism of Nekudot. Here we have the Nekudot de SAG. It comes out, as usual, as the Screen rises from Tabur to Peh.
- December 15, 2022 at 8:01 pm EST #306708
ParticipantYou’ve given me much to think about. I’ll watch TANTA again as well. It’s beginning to clear up slowly but surely, just a matter of time and persistence. I’ll keep at it.
Thanks for being here
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