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    • #382345

      Is it imperative to have a conscious thought that an action is intended to please the Creator? As I go about my corporeal life, and especially when interacting with others, I will get a feeling that ‘this’ gives me pleasure and I know it does the same for the Creator. This thought of pleasure may also give my ego pleasure but I feel that the Creator is pleased that I am pleased. That we are working in unison. There is no preface of a conscious thought that I am going to do this solely to please the Creator, it just happens. And I think of it afterwards as I reflect on whatever happened, and it feels like Lishma, for His sake.

      Must I consciously think for His sake first in all I do, or can this truly just be in my heart and working all the time without ‘me’? An undercurrent of intention so to speak. Receiving pleasure with the inner knowledge that I am bestowing also to the Creator rather than a conscious intention.

      • #383415

        Good question, Sheila (sorry I missed this). Simple answer: with Lishma, the Intention precedes the act. Now, explore this and you’ll come to see the problem.

        • #384657

          Thank you Gianni. I have been working on this and have so many words I wanted to share with you about it, and my experience. I am held back here because of the instruction to not share your feelings so much, and I can well understand how it can be a negative impact to others on their path. I have no-one to tell and I guess that’s the way it is as it is truly a personal experience. When you have it you will know it. I finally joined the GE but there is no 10 or group or mentor for me yet. But I have attended Thursday night Grad Class with Mike and feel a strong connection there. I seem to know what he will say to others who share their questions and descents When he casually mentioned that he ‘doesn’t want to come back here’ I could feel his eyes on me and I shook my head and whispered, ‘me either.’ Sometimes I am grateful to be older, and aware. I just want to thank you again for the prayer we shared and for the answer to this question. What I have learned with you is in my heart.

        • #384662

          Thank you, Sheila.

    • #363230
      Steve Miley

      So…. Receive with the intention to bestow and fake it till you make it. Sound bout right?

      • #363271

        It’s a huge problem to receive with the intention to bestow. There are many degrees before that becomes possible.

    • #360213

      You said that, and I quote, Malchut decided to divide her desire into 3  parts, which are, Rosh, Toch and Sof. And that we need to reach a state where the head, ( the Rosh, the intention) is completely detach from the body (the Toch, desire). Meaning I would detach from my desire in a way that I can use it but only in a very special way, in a very special style.

      What got my attention was I need to detach myself from my desire and use it in a very special way. I wish to ask, what is this special way?

    • #360209

      “Then, when the Upper Light was extended and spread to the emanated being, this Masach rejected it.”

      Is Masach a sensor?

    • #360083

      You said that the First Restriction created a law, called equivalence of form. And from the point onward, never again will one experience Light without being similar to it in advance. You also said that, how would Malchut become similar to the Light if she is the polar opposite to it? You said that, it turns out that this can be accomplish by way of what is called the Masach (Srceen). And that the screen is spiritual perception and that we don’t have it yet.


      1- I wish to ask, that law consists of what, I mean the law of equivalence of form? how can we align according to that law?
      2- What is equivalence and what is a form?
      3- What do you mean by being similar to it in advance? What does advance mean?
      4- What is the difference between the Masach and the equivalence of form? What is equivalence of form in the Hebrew language?

      Thank, you

      • #360186

        1. The original desire + intention for the sake of The Giver.

        2. Equivalence is actually similarity between the Desire and The Light. Form – I recommend reading this:

        3. Meaning the opposite of how the ego demands: “Show me that spirituality is sublime, and believe me, I’ll work in whatever way is necessary for me to be in spirituality.” Instead, I need to live every moment as I would were spirituality revealed, without proof.

        4. The Masach is the adaptor without which there is oppositeness between Light and Kli.

        5. Hebrew letters are diagrams representing the ways the Light could enter the Kli according to the law of Equivalence of Form.

        • #360208

          Following up on number 3 answers… How can or what can I do to live every moment as though I am already in Spirituality ?

        • #360711

          That’s what we’re learning in the Young Group program. What we learn each lesson is another part of the picture. Keeping all those things together means behaving like you would if you were in spirituality. There’s more to it than that, of course, but all of what you learn there, if you could do it all consistently, would be the max a human can do to invite the Upper Force to impart you the things we’re talking about in Blueprint of Creation.

    • #337313

      Im a bit confused about tzim tzum aleph the first restriction and masach the screen. The first applies to malchut and indirectly to us so we cannot perceive the upper worlds. The screen (masach) gradually allows us to reconnect with the upper worlds, through tzimtzum aleph?

      • #337554

        Hi Carlos, you’re combining together the process from and the process by which we rise from our world. Tzimzum Aleph applies to the process from above down after which all the worlds cascade. From our world we need to study and work with the wisdom of Kabbalah to eventually make the Restriction. Later there’s also something called a Masach (screen), which is an addition to the Restriction we make on all egoistic pleasures.

        • #363102
          Zachary Jones

          Is the Young Group an Advanced course? I’ve not seen it yet.


          Thank you!

        • #363121

          If you’ve completed Kabbalah Revealed 1 and do, and In Action, and Experience, you’ll be invited to the next Young Group round.

        • #363381
          Zachary Jones

          I see. Thank you.

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