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    • #322220

      You mention Kesser. Is like a spiritual currency?

      • #322223

        Kesef (money) symbolizes the spiritual screen, with which one can reveal the spiritual world to the extent of that screen.

    • #303484

      Why has to be so complicated 😵‍💫

      • #303573

        This is how you’re structured inside. It’s more personal than your own home. It’s the structure of the soul.

    • #303156
      Ahmed Tabella

      Is there a reason for the names: AB, SAG, MA, BON? or these names are standards used by Kabbalists?

      • #303160

        These names come from the gematria. There are numbers associated with letters and depending on the Light in the Kli is determined this number, and this creates the names Galgalta, AB, SAG… all the names in Kabbalah are determined in this way, though some seem more normal to us.

    • #301129

      Why does the Rosh descend with each new level? It seems to me that the Tabur should be rising, meaning the depth in which Light can enter the desire is becoming shallower.

      • #301134

        Hi Shane,

        It’s a good question. Here we are speaking of the descent of the degrees from the world of Eyn Sof. The Light is going to be less and less because the desire that can be worked with is decreasing. I can’t bestow in this desire, so I go to a lesser desire and try to work with it. So, of course, the Rosh is going to be at a lower degree.

        I’ll give an example from our world. The son is more advanced than the father, in every generation. Of course, he’s more advanced than his primitive ancestors. Look at how the kids are with technology today compared to us. Much more advanced. But are they really? Are they wiser? There is a thing and its opposite here. Successive degrees are more advanced on the one hand, but the preceding degrees are greater, on the other.

    • #300151
      Ali Nadalipour

      Talking about qualities is hard.can we have an example of partsuf in our world?

      • #300285

        You have a branch of the Partzuf in our world, which is the human form, in which there’s the head that decides what the body will do, like a ruler. (In truth though our body, the desire, dictates all our actions, which is why from the Kabbalists’ perspective, we’re still considered to be part of the animal kingdom). When I begin to rule over all my desires, instead of them arising and pushing me, then – and this is only after a very long and serious path, diligently following a teacher, a group, and the correct books – I begin to attain the Partzuf. Because the Partzuf is our future state: a desire that has a Restriction, Screen and Reflected Light.

    • #294943

      I don’t have a question yet. I can’t wait to see how we can incorporate all this knowledge in this physical world. I think is going to be interesting. Being selfish is all I know.

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