How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

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    • #42335

      I’ve never have heard of this kind of prayer but if everything is energy and vibration it actually makes perfect sense. Thank you for this.

    • #42266

      A gut-level need is required as well as the proper intention. For example, asking the Creator to change ‘me’ rather than outside circumstances. Prayers are answered when there is no place left to go and an ache appears that can only be soothed by the answering of the prayer. Prayers are answered when the prayer is more of a need that arises at the exact time it needs to arise rather than a favor one might ask on a whim.

    • #42192

      By asking Creator to correct my egoistic intentions.

    • #42107

      By opening your heart to the divine and asking to see what it is that you truly desire and praying that your gifts be used for the benefit of all.

    • #42031

      Struggling with seeing kaballah as different from religion or philosophy at this point but I’ll keep going.

      Instead of expecting the giver of answered prayers to change and align with what I want over what’s happening… assume that everything Im given is good and match my will with the giver… who would receive from me appreciating whatever?

      or something

    • #41931
      Maria B. W12

      Ask with the joint desire of mind and heart. Know it won’t be answered if doesn’t fall in line with God’s will and be willing in advance to gratefully receive whatever the answer is.

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