How can we ever be satisfied if the pleasure always neutralizes our desire?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 3. Understanding Your Inner Self How can we ever be satisfied if the pleasure always neutralizes our desire?

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 98 total)
  • Author
    • #426125
      David the Bruce

      Learning to receive with the intention to bestow to the creator.   His giving to us is neverending and our recieving in order to please him is likewise never ending.

    • #417242

      To think first  about all there is. Not calculate for ourselves

    • #413287
      Khanh Luong

      We shift the desires from focus on ourselves to focus on others whom will benefit.

    • #387386

      If our intention becomes that of fullfilling the desires of our friends, than their happiness will fill us with light, and thus we will. find pleasure of a different kind in comparison to that fleeting pleasure we got before through fullfilling our own desires.

    • #386754

      We have to want the light to change us? I think that’s what the answer is?

    • #386501
      Assana Colubali

      We need to operate in an equilibrium way and also treat others,  as you treat yourself.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 98 total)
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