How can we ever be satisfied if the pleasure always neutralizes our desire?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 3. Understanding Your Inner Self How can we ever be satisfied if the pleasure always neutralizes our desire?

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    • #43608
      tefo bogosi

      Through the source of our pleasure being bestowing to others that which we receive

    • #43336

      Give like the creator gives

    • #42425

      Let go of the need to be satisfied.

      Understand the nature of mind is always craving or aversion.

      Make the feeling of closeness to the Creator your primary desire.

      Enjoy that which is bestowed with gratitude and bestow it upon others.


    • #42399

      Change our desires.

    • #42391
      Maria B. W12

      We can. I think, it doesn’t need to be that way. I also think, that serving others is deeply imprinted in all our hearts.

      What may need mastering is the attitude to giving. Out of our hearts and minds, leaving out the calculating ego that wants pleasure. Perhaps instead of seeking pleasure whilst serving a desire of the ego, teach the mind to consciously strive to generate the  feeling of genuine and sincere gratitude in my heart. Towards the One giving to me, what I can share. And towards the receiver of my service for giving me the opportunity to share/give. Knowing in my mind that it was never meant to be mine but is given for sharing.

      • #43411

        By recieving or giving with the intention to bestow, conscious that we are one with the Creator and with other people.

    • #42240

      When we change the way to feel and start to enjoy giving without any outcome for yourself. This pleasure is infinite because we do not expect anything in return.

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