How can you change your life if everything you perceive actually depends on your inner structure and measurement?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Science of Human Emergence What is Reality? How can you change your life if everything you perceive actually depends on your inner structure and measurement?

  • This topic has 62 replies, 58 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by peter.
  • #33173

    Gil Shir

    How can you change your life if everything you perceive actually depends on your inner structure and measurement?

Viewing 6 posts - 49 through 54 (of 59 total)
  • Author
    • #49069

      Change the practice of intentioning, to have a better view of reality, and building on from this.

    • #43669

      We can change  our life by closely  practice  guidelines  in the wisdom  of kabbalah……corrections  of our intentions

    • #43079

      I have to change my inner receptors due to expand my perception of reality.

    • #42910
      Ramon Navarro

      You have to change you intention, from self to others.

    • #42244

      This one is deep. Change our inner structure

    • #42147
      Tony Escujuri

      Change my inner structure to change my perception which intern will change my life. I see the world through an ego so the ego must go through some changes in relationship to my understanding.

Viewing 6 posts - 49 through 54 (of 59 total)
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