How do you think you could tune into the right frequency to begin to experience higher levels of human existence?

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  • #33167

    Gil Shir

    How do you think you could tune into the right frequency to begin to experience higher levels of human existence?

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 77 total)
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    • #319518

      perhaps…Pondering things on a level of seen and unseen with just the five senses

      For example, the outside and inside of a tree or the grass you see and the layers underneath that you do not see. The goal is to not think of stored knowledge you have learned in the past while you simply observe and depict or imagine. ❤️

      One may never look at their environment the same again 😁

      Or; perhaps,

      If one enjoys prayer it’s pleasurable to ask Creator for eyes that see the true reality 😁 and even depict “Creator” for yourself ❤️

    • #313722

      Maybe, as a first step, by accepting other humans different perspectives besides and of equal value to mine, which is very hard for me to accomplish.

      • #319516


    • #313443
      Seeker of Wisdom

      By connecting with others on the spiritual path all with the right intention.

    • #312674

      aansluiten  bij  mijn Ten,  als  juiste omgeving  en  proberen  mijn ego  uit te sluiten  en  mezelf annuleren en  afstemmen op het spirituele.

    • #312532
      Jack Brenon

      Connection with others who are on the same wave link.  Those 125 rungs of the ladder if connected to 125 circles, one will find waves running through them with peaks and troughs.  For the wave to travel, the peak must still connect to the trough and this is what you find among friends in the 10.  some are at the peak and others are at the trough but they all fit between the two rungs of one step on the 125 rungs ladder.  I think Baal Sulam found the 125 rungs ladder, and Rabash connected them into circles with the “Social Writing”  which I have not read nor studied either of them yet and hoping to learn them this year after 3 years of exile (smile).

    • #307531

      By creating a screen to filter out desires for my own pleasure and receiving with the intent to provide the Creator pleasure.

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