How do you think you could tune into the right frequency to begin to experience higher levels of human existence?

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  • #33167

    Gil Shir

    How do you think you could tune into the right frequency to begin to experience higher levels of human existence?

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 85 total)
  • Author
    • #289794
      Tricia Cox

      I belong to the three largest and the oldest organizations in the world, I meet thousands of people every year and yet have the biggest social anxiety of my lifetime, because there is always going to be those kinds of people that gossip and cause trouble, knowing we have to be around each other for a few days to get charity work done, it is stressful. But I pretty much go around people that stay out of trouble you know the kind that grabs a bag of popcorn and watches how people act towards one another in a large group of people? But I feel if people actually go by the organization’s rules on how to treat one another and be strict about it there wouldn’t be any trouble.

      But I think, I feel that way because I was raised in a strict home.

    • #288628

      By experiencing the attempts of Connection with All the Frequencies of Souls that surround me through Connection with Arvut and Annulment.

      Excellent Video!

    • #288074
      David J

      Teacher,  books, group. Connected desire with prayer for Creator to help us correct intention of reception.

    • #287681
      Magi Madi

      Through the desire first to understand, then through acquiring the right knowledge and applying them.

    • #287161

      First of all, we must want change, we must be aware of the situation we are in now. Then, slowly, as more and more people wake up, we will help each other to transcend. And, of course, The Upper Force will help us too, because our awakening will attract it.

    • #286253
      Tracy Russ

      We tune into the right frequency by particpating and connecting in the correct environment with a group of like minded persons all seeking the same goal. When we orient our desiresThrough annulment, connection and Prayer to the Creator, the teachings from the Rav, the Books, the Kabbalah, the Torah, etc, we can some to a state where we can draw the Upper Light to influence and correct us.

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 85 total)
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