Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2

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  • #32045

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 589 through 594 (of 991 total)
  • Author
    • #43328
      Jojo De Leon

      hello, im jojo from tagaytay city, philippines. i was found the slight meaning of life but i lost it. Many things had faded away because of my egoistic desires. Today, i am here to personalize explore and dig the essence of life and the perception of reality. hoping to learn more things about the spiritual world.

    • #43317

      Hello, everyone my name is yeabneh tadesse. i’m from ethiopia and nice to join here . To be honest i often ask my self   why am i created? what is the purpose of my life? where am i going on?  where i came from?…etc. such questions arise inside of my mind. and i think its a great opportunity to join here to attain spritual world together.

    • #43312

      Hi,I”m Navya I live in Montreal Canada,

      I always knew there was more to our existence than just the physical aspect of it.It couldn’t just be that simple and still  be so unbalanced(earth)it couldn’t just be my imagination, I’ve lived a life as I call it a spiritual journey based on a hint I was born with(now I know its the point in the heart,thanks KabU) I never converted to any religions because I knew there was more , in many cycle in my life I came across the bible but it didn’t revealed itself to me, I came across the Kabbalah in my twenties but it was just too mainstream and I knew it wasn’t the real thing(the way it was presented to me ).At 36 it all made  sense everything BE came clear,the meaning of it all it is  unfolding and I’m so grateful it is so powerful and beautiful. Thank you for sharing the knowledge for giving me a source of knowledge and guidance in what I always knew was the way to the creator( that’s how I like to put it) but didn’t know how to express it verbally.

    • #43302
      Tadd Chapman

      Good morning,

      My name is Tadd Chapman (Fredric Tadd Chapman), was born on Vancouver Island Canada and have now spent the past 23 years living in San Jose del Cabo, Los Cabos Mexico. I am a Chef by trade and have had restaurants here for the past aforementioned 23 years. I am a father of two beautiful children, a 12 year old daughter and 5 year old son whom have been amazing teachers to me. Through out life I have naturally perceived there to be more, a greater connection of the all, but have never truly understood it.

      For the last few years I have enjoyed reading a number of text but what has grabbed my attention the most were hermetic law and Kabbalah. As of late I found the Kaballah Explained Simply videos with Gil Shir and enjoy the method on which he explains. I am interested in studying further and understanding the 125 degrees of spiritual enlightenment.

      Blessings to all,


    • #43275

      Hello, my name is Timothy Forbes. I have had profound experiences throughout my life that hint or evidence of a deeper facet to the reality we all live in. Mostly in my active imagination I see the possibility for a more wholesome worldview and perspective to have with the sensations we receive as persons, and yet it eludes my implementation in myself despite my efforts to adapt myself. I hope to reveal in myself at least the right direction I should exert my efforts to assist in creating a better world for myself and those around me.

    • #43266

      Hey its me, Savero….long time ago i was disturbed by never ending question in my life. Why every problem in my life should be happen?.I still believe as a moslem, God still guiding me to the truth. And now i found the way beside my religion is Kabbalah. I hope that i will se my answer soon. Amen!

Viewing 6 posts - 589 through 594 (of 991 total)
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