Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

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  • #183236

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 163 through 168 (of 628 total)
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    • #338570
      Donna Zegman

      Hey everyone! I’m Donna from South Florida, Let me share with you how I got here:

      When I was just 12 years old, I discovered the fascinating world of atoms and the realization that everything in existence, including the invisible air we breathe, is composed of these tiny building blocks.
      Then, during an art class, we were tasked with creating a landscape using only dots the size of a pen point. This lesson in shading opened my eyes to a much grander lesson about the universe.
      Biology taught me that all organic matter is built from molecules made of atoms, and chemistry revealed that atoms consist of neutrons, protons, and electrons. This sparked a curiosity in me… What are the contents of atoms made of?
      I hypothesized that it might be a replica of itself, a pattern I noticed in all creation to maintain balance. But then, what is that matter made of?
      Eureka! It dawned on me—ENERGY! Everything that exists is energy, interconnected like the intricate web of wires that crisscross our neighborhoods and span the vast distances across countries.
      So, what exactly is energy? This question propelled me on a quest to understand our very existence…
      Where did everything originate, and how did it form such a dynamic, balanced system? There must be some form of boundless intelligence behind it all—an intelligence without end, life without end, and form without end.
      Quantum Physics and Sacred Geometry began to unravel these mysteries, and then Kabbalah revealed that these ancient teachings had understood the connections between numbers, letters, helixes, and fractals all along. These patterns are the universe’s way of maintaining balance.
      This principle holds true even in our thoughts. Thoughts are energy; they exist even if unseen. We are the manifestation of a thought, created with purpose by something that decided to bring us into being.
      Everything that replicates itself possesses a maternal/paternal instinct—to protect, give, nurture, and teach. A parent or a lion allows its offspring to experience failure and success, knowing that lessons are not learned by instruction alone. I believe that whatever created us shares this same compelling nature.
      Isn’t it incredible to think that the energy that forms the cosmos might also be the energy that forms our thoughts and intentions?

      Wishing you a journey filled with awe and discovery,

    • #338277
      Sivana Zehnpfennig

      Hi Everybody l

      my name is Silvana, also called Jasmin, I do study Kabbalah for about six years now intensely, and I learned in different traditions. I always feel,that there’s a more personal sense in me I need to read, understand and express myself kabbalical, and yet that’s difficult somehow, for I always fall back in what I learned through the traditions, what is right and valuable and yet I need to discover Kabbalah more beyond this and find my personal understand and way to read and practicing Kabbalah.

      Best, Jasmin

    • #337369

      Hello everybody,

      my name is Boke fom the Nettherlands and would like to follow the course Question your reality for learning more about Kabbalah and how I can apply it into my live. Especially to feel more connected to other people and to be at ease when together with other people.

    • #337246
      Camelia Manaila

      Hi! I’m Cami, happy to be here!

    • #337216

      My name is Adam, and I am a philosopher and a psychologist. I am interested in Truth, beauty, goodness and wisdom, and understanding the nature of who we are. I have no expectations for this course.

    • #337155

      Hi Im Carlos from Portugal and Im allways questioning my reality 🙂

Viewing 6 posts - 163 through 168 (of 628 total)
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