Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

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  • #183236

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 151 through 156 (of 628 total)
  • Author
    • #359243
      Andie B

      Hi Everyone,

      I am Andrea from West Virginia in the United States.  I have recently come to question everything I believe and I am looking for some guidance and wisdom to help me understand what is going on. I have felt particularly lost lately. I have always been a spiritual person, sometimes religious, but always spiritual. I have had a life long interest in Kabbalah and hope to learn everything I can about it.

    • #358868
      Alessandra Gelman

      Hi everyone, my name is Alessandra, I’m from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and I’m very happy to study Kabbalah here in Kabu!

    • #357646

      Hi everyone, my name is Banesa and I’ve always been on a mission to find life’s purpose.  Years ago, I did run into the Kabbalah, but I don’t think I was spiritually ready at the time, I needed to evolve more. Fast forward to today,  I watched a few YouTube videos on Kabbalahinfo, and that’s when the light bulb turned on, and I said to myself, so there is more to it as I always suspected, this is all making A LOT of sense now and it’s time to learn the Kabbalah. I’m looking forward to learn the Kabbalah in this course and thank you to all of those who put this together and made this possible.

    • #357594

      Hi I am Jay I want to learn more about myself that’s why I am taking this

    • #356953
      B L

      Bill from NY

    • #339849
      Bridgette Smith

      Hi my name is Bridgette, I am so grateful to have this opportunity to seek the meaning of Life my purpose and I feel blessed that I accidentally ran into Tony’s video on YouTube
      I look forward to having questions answered as I have had Visions of some of these and have searched for many to them. Sorry if there are duplicates I thought I did this already but it’s telling me it’s not completed.

Viewing 6 posts - 151 through 156 (of 628 total)
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