Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course Introduce yourself Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

  • #183236

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 157 through 162 (of 560 total)
  • Author
    • #327341

      HI, i am GBALE PREGNON i’ happy to be here

    • #327281
      Franklin Awuku

      I am Franklin …and the stone I step on here…is the Creator is everything

    • #326850

      Hi,  I am Miho from US .

    • #326832
      Zev Feldman

      I took physics in college and am fascinated in advances in quantum mechanics. Our rabbi ix an author in kabbala and supporting learning more of the connections between the two.

    • #326431
      Wiger Levering

      I am Wiger and I am struggling with my purpose in life in relation to my christian background . . .

    • #326408
      Anne Helene


      My name is Anne Helene. I am from Norway,

      For som years ago I left Christianity. I have been learning about Judaisme, and  I have attended several courses in Biblical Hebrew. I have now more questions and really want to get into Kabbalah

Viewing 6 posts - 157 through 162 (of 560 total)
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