Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course Introduce yourself Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

  • #183236

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 301 through 306 (of 595 total)
  • Author
    • #308777

      Hi everyone!  My name is Laura Podrasky and I have been drawn to the study and practice of Kabbalah for years.  I left for a while but now I am back.  I am going through a period (as we all do) that I believe if anything will allow me see and react clearly I believe it will be the Kabbalistic teachings.  What I am going through I believe I need or even chose to so I want to step up to the plate.

    • #308474
      John Leconte

      John Leconte – Kabu student and future Kabbalist

    • #308360
      David Colorez

      Hello, my name is David, and I’m excited to to go deeper into Kabbalah as I’ve been reading books and watching lessons on tv.

    • #308207

      Hello Tony,  thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.  Your are a amazing teacher.

      My name is Marilou and i’m from Québec, Canada. I am excited to learn more about mastering myself, and to better understand my life purpose

    • #307820
      Tia Skinner

      My name is Teresa Skinner, Im drawn to the Kabbalah. I know I can find snswers in it.

    • #307551


      My name is Abraham and im looking for the knowledge Of Self.

      A deeper relationship with the Creator and The Tradition of Kabbalah intrests me.

Viewing 6 posts - 301 through 306 (of 595 total)
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