Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

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  • #183236

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 319 through 324 (of 632 total)
  • Author
    • #312824

      Hello Friends I’m Rae. Shalom!

    • #312702
      Lora Vatalaro

      Hi, I am Lora. I’ve recently joined KabU and find what I’m learning to be fascinating. I’m getting so much of of the Kabbalah Revealed, that I want to take this one, too.  Multiple exposures to the concepts really helps me learn.

    • #312681

      I’m Tracy and I’m looking to improve my life as it’s been out of sync for too long now, and have always wanted to understand the meaning of life and how it works and how to work it.

    • #312637
      Markus Lovecraft

      my name is markus,i want to learn and study because i am a bit lost and uncertain about where i am going

    • #312555
      Jonathan Deak

      Hi, I am Jonathan, a big science nerd, who was raised seventh day adventist.On my journey I have learned that much of what we are learning in science in directly related to what I have studied in the Bible. I am just now learning that a lot of this is what Kabbalists have been practicing for 1000’s of years now 🙂 I am looking forward to getting to meet other beings on this path that share our thoughts and experiences.

    • #312208
      Anthony Hayes

      I AM READY TO GET TO THE GOOD STUFF. I was hoping there were also a course that breaks down the Hebrew letters.  I was listening to a person from KabU break down those letters on YouTube but he stopped at(Bet). He said  their were a course that finished up the teaching of those letters but i can’t find it. Ive purchased a book on the language and it meaning but I’m back to square one researching  on my own.

Viewing 6 posts - 319 through 324 (of 632 total)
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