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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 6,013 through 6,018 (of 6,426 total)
  • Author
    • #48550
      Ganesh Wabale
      1. Hi I’m ganu from Pune India. I have curious about what’s kabu and will be change my life where have lot’s of daily issue and barin pains getting tired of my whole body..
    • #48549

      I’m Nandhini, from Tamilnadu, India. I work as a teacher for upper primary students. Videos of kabbalist Dr. Michael gave answers to my many questions and encouraging me to do what is needed to love the life of bestowal which is the most important to all of us.

      Eventually this study of kabbalah become important now to live the life of spirituality.

    • #48547
      Soumendu Das

      I am Soumendu Das from India, I am curious what Kabbalah can improvise me

    • #48541


      I am Brad from the D.C. Metro area in America. I have been studying Divine and Natural Law for a couple years now. I’ve recently been studying the ancient eastern philosophies including the Vedic philosophies along with the practice of yoga (union). I have studied Kemetian spirituality/philosophy and a bit of the Taoist philosophies and practices. I have studied some of the Theosophical works along with various other western Spiritual/Divine philosophies and Laws. I have studied some Kabbalah, but I believe this course will go more into depth and I look forward to it. To me the real currency is knowledge and eventually Wisdom which is why I shall PAY ATTENTION and SPEND TIME learning Kabbalah

    • #48532

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>I’m Nandhini from Tamilnadu, India. I recieved answers to my many questions through the videos of  kabbalist Dr. Michael…</p>
      I need this study to improve my life in spirituality. I’m encouraged at the point of love neighbours as myself through his videos.

      And I could see many of the people are from India, happy…

      Nice to meet you all through KabU.

    • #48518

      I am Prashanth Kumar from Kerala, India.. I am a professional HR management expwrt. Presently i am into business mainly tourism n education sector. Joined here to know more about the science of kabbalah. Thank you

Viewing 6 posts - 6,013 through 6,018 (of 6,426 total)
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