Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 127 through 132 (of 6,396 total)
  • Author
    • #428546

      Greetings to you all. I’m PEE, I’m a Nigerian but I live in Italy. I’m Christian. Apart from the pulpit and altar messages, I have a personal connection with the scripture, with nature and with the universe. However, I look forward to having a deeper connection with the celestial through esoteric knowledge, to live the full reality of my being.

    • #428543

      Shalom, everybody! I am Aglaya and I come from Germany. I’ve aalways been interested in Jewish thought, philosophy, religion and tradition. I am not Jewish but I feel very connected to Judaism and Israel. I always wanted to learn about the Kabbalah but it wasn’t the right time, nonow I see it very often and I’ve had experiences which bring me nearer to get to know more about it. Now, I am here! Thank you for being there and for letting me learn from you.

    • #428541

      Hello. My name is Aaron Montgomery and I have studied Kabbalah through here years ago. I guess I am back because I have still yet received what I am searching for. I look forward to getting back to it.

    • #428531
      Johnny Leone

      The Nazir

    • #428527

      Hi my name is Michelle . I am on the verge of converting to Judaism . I found out via ancestory 21 that I have Jewish blood in me and for years before that I was alwyas spiritually connected to the religion . I’m trying to find my path and meaning

    • #428524

      Hello im Andrea from Australia I have been learning kab for many years now and have only skimmed the surface. There is so much more depth to understand and implement into my life

Viewing 6 posts - 127 through 132 (of 6,396 total)
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