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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 349 through 354 (of 5,276 total)
  • Author
    • #373160

      Hallo all, my name is Camilla and I am writing this from Queensland, Australia.  I am trained as a homeopath and also have a great love for herbs and their ability to bring about peace and change in living things.  When trying to connect in with my ancestors and their link to the medicinal arts, as I am driven by a desire to integrate their wisdom with my current path, I have found that information is scant.  Whilst researching, I came across your course and was intrigued as it aligns with how I practice, both as a homeopath and as a human.  I am excited to be here.

    • #373159

      Hi, I am Prudence. Just being curious about Kabbalah and learning more about it.

    • #373146
      Jennifer Wilson

      I long for conscious beings, and community, even a more indigenous way of living. That connection with earth. I’ve learned to shift my perspective to seeing the outside as my extended organs. And being in relations with this natural world is very important. It definitely calls me! Even through my life does not mirroring that at the present moment, as much as I would love to say it was, but im aware a certain amount of shift would need to take place upon the planet for that to happen. but I’m fully aware that this is where humanity is moving into.

      I’ve felt really stuck in profound ways lately and I know opening my heart will be the key. It’s not that I hadn’t been striving to do that, but right now a series of events has made things very unmanageable.

      But my goal is to become a better better better human being, a being that acts and creates from the knowing.

      J. Renee

      love and light to all.

    • #373143
      Robert Peronne

      Hashem, May he blessed, has arranged my participation in this class.

    • #373120
      gonzalo andres

      Hola soy Gonzalo muy ansioso de este curso soy diseñador de interiores y terapeuta evolutivo

    • #373081
      Micaelle Oliveira

      Hello I’m Micaella Oliveira, Im starting a journey to learn more about my ancestors and their ancient knowledge.

Viewing 6 posts - 349 through 354 (of 5,276 total)
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