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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,753 through 4,758 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #219026
      Innocent Mushiya

      Hello,my name is innocent,i have always wanted to understand the workings of the universe,who we really are,basically to understand this world and our creator…

      Also have wanted to understand what exactly is kabbalah.

      By the way am Christian,a believer…

      Thank you!

      And regards to you all,


    • #218970
      Azrifal Pan

      I have always wanted to learn about Kabbalah but never got to it. I see this as a starting point for me to go deeper into it.

    • #218947
      David Hayden

      Howdy y’all.

      Nice to “meet” everyone. Read through a number of introductions to see what people are saying and I’d agree that I am, as Jacob said it, “approaching the course with guarded optimism.”

      I studied Kabbalah about as deeply as I was able to in my teenage years. The materials I had access to were not, as KabU consistently says, “Authentic” and so I was left very confused. I gleaned what knowledge I could from it at the time and moved on, generally adopting the principals of hermetic teachings and shamanic ritual as my “religion.”

      I found KabUs explanations of the sephirot just today and found them informative and rational. I don’t know how readily I accept that we can prove that one soul wrote all those books, but that’s what I’m here to determine for myself.

      I am exceedingly interested in cutting through the mystical and magical thinking surrounding the practice of spiritualism and  build a foundation for exploring the conscious universe with confidence and mastery. I’m hoping this is the right material to do that with.

      • #219108
        adina shaina

        Hello David,

        May your spiritual knowledge grow with your ever expanding desire to grasp the depths of the wisdom of knowing.

        Thanks for sharing so much,

        Adina Shaina

    • #218946
      Pete C

      Hi All… I started this course a couple of times in the past but life events got in the way so I’m starting again, only this time I’ve invited a couple of friends along too!

      I am aspergers/autistic which may have something to do with the way I’ve been approaching this course and Kabbalah in general. I can’t help searching for meaning and patterns in everything, and often spot patterns and meanings which may or may not be those intended.  it can be hard for me to tell the difference.

      Anyway, I’ll be stepping through again, week by week, and look forward to participating in the weekly Q&As too!



    • #218910


      I’m Jacob. I’m approaching this course with guarded optimism. The work I’ve put in thus far has been incredibly difficult, and I am only just beginning. I wish us all luck in navigating these waters, and look forward to growing together.

    • #218903


      Here in North Carolina, I serve as a spiritual director and writer in an interfaith context and am seeking new understanding of Kabbalah for my ministry. I am also interested in learning new daily spiritual practices for my own growth and development.

      Best to everyone, Karen

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