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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 4,987 through 4,992 (of 5,877 total)
  • Author
    • #51957

      Hi My name is Joseph and I am from India . I came across the term Kabbalah from Youtube and when i tried to learn more it have started showing some hope in my life . I am here to learn more about it .

    • #51953
      Abdul Basit

      Hello I am sorry for What I have said

    • #51948

      My name is Joshua from the United States. I have always been curious about Kaballah and look forward to gaining this new knowledge. I am eager to learn about a new perspective on life and a better understanding of how to navigate this world successfully! Thank You.

    • #51932
      Kitty Cat

      Hello, my name is Madi, I am extremely pleased to be here! It feels magical to be part of the collective consciousness that is discovering this wisdom!


      I have been on a Spiritual path for a year now after an extremely sudden shift in my life perspective that occurred around the beginning of the pandemic. Funny enough, Kabbalah is what I originally came across that sparked my mental shift! I was just too spiritually immature at the time and it seemed too vague for me to connect to. I did a lot of exploring the depths of my ego and how to conquer and/or live harmoniously with it, through all kinds of methods.


      Now, after a year of spiritual development, it’s almost as if Kabbalah was purposely revealed to me again so that I may study it! I definitely feel a connection to it now and I am constantly connecting my previous spiritual findings to what Kabbalah reveals. Kabbalah definitely answers all my questions thus far and is acting as a kind of ‘finishing touch’ to what I needed to continue my spirituality. I felt lost for a while, and every time I feel lost, the universe seems to help me out.

      I look forward to having a definite practice that yields actual results from now on. Because so far I have had nothing but results, thru trial and errors, but results none the less.

    • #51929
      Ruthie Ruth

      Hi, my name is Ruthie Ruth. Thank you for having me. I am a Christian. Would like to attain Kaballistic experience that which is of the Creator’s desire to endow unto us. Am very excited.

    • #51927

      Excited to be here .

      im a surgeon mother of two teenage boys balancing daily life professional and personal. Seen life from close quarters being a surgeon. Life  experiences have been intriguing, hence exploring to understand .
      explaintion in kabu are amazing strike a cord with me .

      thank you for having me here


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