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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,095 through 5,100 (of 6,439 total)
  • Author
    • #61316
      Diego Soledad

    • #61303
      Jan Koons


      My name is Janet and I live in the United States. Utah, actually. I was born and raised in Iowa, farm country. I am in my 70’s with 2 sons and 4 wonderful grandchildren, and they are the reason I am in Utah.

      I am an animal communicator (animals who have passed on and I talk to each other), and sometimes I can communicate with people who have passed on.  I am a spiritual person I guess you could say.

      I have tried studying Kabbalah a couple of times over the years and just couldn’t do it. Once I heard Tony – I knew I had found my guide. Thank you. Can’t wait for the classes.

    • #61165
      D A

      I’m D.A., and I’m in the Washington, D.C. area and I’m forever seeking and curious to a fault.  I know nothing of Kabbalah which is why I want to know.  Glad to meet people from from all over.

    • #61132

      Hi guys,

      my name is Keith.  I thought I was born with an open happy go lucky attitude to life and people, I enjoyed the company of people and animals.  My passions are horses, music, cycling and dancing.  More recently I feel changes in me, some I can explain some I can not.  Now I feel more closed and less trusting, although I still love to be around people and animals I feel like I have lost something, added to this is a feeling like I have failed to find something in life and it is not a nice feeling.  People that are closest to me do not wish to talk on such matters or  are simply not in a position to help.  In general, I try to live life being true to myself and understand others, unfortunately I often appear to fail and find myself in a situation where my deepest desires are unfulfilled,  I wish to understand the concept of Kabbalah with the hope it can clarify my turmoils


    • #61124

      Hello everyone. My name is Koena Kubheka from Durban, South Africa. I joined to gain more insight about life’s journey.

    • #61120
      Antonio Tadeus

      Eu sou o Antonio Tadeus, Rio de Janeiro – Brasil

Viewing 6 posts - 5,095 through 5,100 (of 6,439 total)
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