Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,107 through 5,112 (of 6,437 total)
  • Author
    • #60774
      aliek colpan



      My name is Keila Paniagua, I was looking for a way to learn kabbalah ( I’m looking for answers and also questions that could  help me to live in armory.)

      My expectations:

      I would like to find the way to love others.

      Be more sympathetic .

      Develop  desire of helping others.

      I also looking for knowledge , I was felling oversaturated with obsolete information that at this point I want to know but not just know but practice daily  and become real not just a copy of others.

      I want to recognize myself, my real me.

      *My 1st language is spanish so I guess I could also will take this as an opportunity to practice my english and lear how to communicate better.


      Keila P.



    • #60770
      Zach Dilloway

      Hey I’m D’Lo and I’m a studying Rosicrucian and have had a desire to learn about the 10 sefirot structure and how I can maybe implement a new system of thought and feel a closer connection with source.

    • #60647
      Sdiq Al-Atroushi

      Hello guys, my name is Sidik and I’m from New Zealand. I’m so curious about what Kabbala is and I really don’t know anything to have an expectation. It’s exciting!

    • #60641
      Jas Aurél

      Hello, my name is Josias Aurélien, I’m from Democratic Republic of Congo. I have been studying Kabbalah through Bnei Baruch for 3years..

    • #60640
      Jas Aurél

      Hello, my name is Josias Aurélien, I’m from Democratic Republic of Congo. I have been studying Kabbalah through Bnei Baruch for 3years.

    • #60637
      Maria Raquel

      Hi, my name is Maria and I am from Porto in Portugal.
      I want to lean more about Uncertainty of life and I think Kabalah can help me a lot.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,107 through 5,112 (of 6,437 total)
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