Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,125 through 5,130 (of 5,275 total)
  • Author
    • #46291
      Chuck H

      Peace & Blessings! I’m Charles from the USA. I have a major in psychology & pursuing a doctorate in religious studies. I’ve study various spiritual cosmologies and was interested in the Kabbalah for affinity & comparative study. Thanks & look forward to the learning experience.

    • #46272
      Iqleen Bhogal

      Hi I am Iqleen Bhogal. I believe I am on a spiritual sojourn and have always been a seeker. Kabbalah is something I have always been interested in. So jumped at the first chance I got to learn it.

    • #46269
      Miss Mona

      Hi, I am Mona. I am from Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada. I am always open to learning and this sounds like something I’d like…so I’m in.

    • #46247

      Hello! Here to learn Kabbalah with others like minded people.

    • #46243

      My name is Christopher Jones. I live in Kansas City, MO. I am an insurance agent. My interest is due to the fact that I am a freemason. This is an area that I am ready to study!

    • #46228
      Rajneesh Magotra


      I’m Rajneesh from India. Really excited to know what secret of life lies in the scriptures of Kabbalah …..

      And how the scriptures can bring about a change in the one’s life n quality of life …..

Viewing 6 posts - 5,125 through 5,130 (of 5,275 total)
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