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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,371 through 5,376 (of 6,435 total)
  • Author
    • #54674
      Judi Bechard

      Hi everyone,
      my name is Judi. I live on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada.  The spiritual journey has been vivid for me, with memories of deep questions even as early as the age of two, and most certainly deep questioning of the meaning of life by age 12. I went through a pretty significant awakening in 2002. It’s been quite a ride ever since.  I’ve very recently been directed towards Kabbalah and have been very intrigued to see that even with little I have learned about it so far, it has confirmed many things I have seen and experienced but had no context for understanding. Looking forward to learning and getting to know you folks along the way. It’s a pleasure to be here with you.

    • #54669

      Hi, my name is Wagner and I’m glad to find this place to learn more about the fascinating wisdom of kabbalah. I’ve been reading the philosophy for a couple of years but always amazes me as it is constantly unfolding new insights. Thanks

    • #54589

      I am very excited to continue my studies on this topic. Thank you everybody.

    • #54584
      Ty Palodichuk

      Hi everyone! Grateful to be here with you

    • #54581

      Hello. I’m Julie. I am currently working towards a degree in Religious Studies.  I am fascinated by how religion/faith/beliefs and societies are formed and, over time, changed by and accommodate each other.  I am excited to learn about Kabbalah and have purposely not researched anything about it.

    • #54572


      There name is Eric. I am on a spiritual quest and seeking to find answers to the meaning of life. I want to attained spirituality and understand how this world and the world beyond us harmonizes.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,371 through 5,376 (of 6,435 total)
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