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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,353 through 5,358 (of 6,423 total)
  • Author
    • #54764

      Hello beautiful souls, I’m Temmuz from Australia, I’ve been sensing the existence of the creator, and with an outstanding urge, it took me here to learn more about him and the majestic mystery of the life we are living.

    • #54756

      Hello all, my name is Sharon. My background is Jewish.  I have lived experience with inter-generational trauma as my dad was a Holocaust survivor.  I  have a brother who is very orthodox, whereas I am intermarried (outside the faith) and practice mostly just yoga and meditation apps. I’m not atheist or agnostic, I just find that the mind-body connection of yoga works at connecting me to a sense of spirituality far more than traditional dogmatic religion does.  Yet, I can appreciate symbolic rituals for the beauty and light that they bring, transforming banal tasks into opportunities for reflection on sacred meaning.

      With this course, I’m hoping to learn more about an aspect of my religious heritage that I know little about, yet have some impression that it may have some synergy with my yogic practices of reconnection. It would be nice if spirituality could become a daily (or even morning and nightly) constant presence in my life rather than something that I just remember to turn to intermittently.

    • #54747
      John Peter

      Hello, still your brother John

      I really enjoyed the Kabbalah studies so far,and willing to learn more and more.shalom

    • #54735
      Anthony Cicuttin

      Hey everyone,

      My name is Anthony, and honestly what brought me here was because of crypto. Many successful traders on twitter use astrology, and talk about once you complete your “Tree of Life” then the rewards are great. Much like the Kli, I want to learn about how they use astrology and the wisdom of Kabbalah to profit, then what I receive I want to give in 10x folds to the people who have supported me throughout my life. I hope I find other’s that are on the same journey as me, and we can learn together!

    • #54712
      paul domingo

      Hello my name is Paul, I’m 41 years old. My sister is a Christian and we have lunch with her family every Sunday and I try converse with her through her Biblical lens of how She sees God/Life in comparison to my agnostic view of it. Which lead me to some podcast on YouTube called ‘Now you See me TV’ from listening to this podcast I got interested in non traditional approach to the bible which kept me diving deep then surprisingly the Kabbalistic approach felt really familiar on Hinduistic/Buddhist disciplines I have been practicing for a couple years.

      However this Hinduistic/Buddhist always lack a ‘manual’ or text to help keep my path clear and the Kabbalistic approach has (as little as I am able to comprehend it) been revealing itself to me quite seamlessly as far as I am in this path. I’m Excited to move forward and meet others in this journey.

    • #54682

      My name is Frank Johnson and I want to learn about myself. I would also like to learn more about Kabbalah.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,353 through 5,358 (of 6,423 total)
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