Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,617 through 5,622 (of 6,438 total)
  • Author
    • #51291
      Sung Woo

      Hi, my name is Sung Woo and it’s good to know that I am directed to this study at this stage of my life. So let’s see. I look forward to it.

    • #51290
      Sung Woo

      Hi, my name is Sung Woo and I am glad that I am directed into this study at this moment in my life. So let’s see. I look forward to it.

    • #51289
      Karen Gordon


      I’m Karen from Eugene, Oregon. I’m here to learn how to remove doubt that there is only one authority, that there is only one actor in the Life drama. I would like to better understand what this actually means in the living of one’s life.

    • #51285
      mark m

      Hi everyone, I am Mark from Western Canada. A major event in my life prompted me to look for a deeper meaning of our existence. Hope this course will help me in my search and guide me along my path.

    • #51280
      Longina Sajewska

      My name is Longina, I come from Poland but I live in Canada. I am looking for answers to many existential questions and ways of spiritual development. I hope this course will broaden my horizons.

    • #51279
      Martin Abad

      Hi, i’m Martin from Ecuador!.. I´ve been studing Kabalah for about a year now, my purpose fpr this course is to achieve a REAL will to bestow, I have tried, but I think is imposible for me not to have some egoistic desire behind every “altruistic” thing I do. How can I win over the “opponent”, this force that seems unbeatable for me…

Viewing 6 posts - 5,617 through 5,622 (of 6,438 total)
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