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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,713 through 5,718 (of 6,435 total)
  • Author
    • #50924
      Madhumita Roy

      I am a teacher by profession.confused about religion but have questions about life and why are we here .I saw a video and got interested

    • #50913

      Hi, hope everyone is waking . I have had several experiences that started with a want or loss and ended up a awakening to a degree , then years of silence (so I thought) from the universe in between . Almost 52 years being human, this time seems different and I found this instead of the “Matrix” 1999 movie which gave me no further info but want to learn and understand. I had my first, that I know of, experience/awakening around 20-21 years old after a simple, very successful , job interview . I look forward to understanding more and  continue my journey !

    • #50903
      Shmuel Phetheni

      Hi Shabbat Shalom beloved brothers and sisters

    • #50900
      Sifiso Mpongose

      Good day all,

      My name is Sifiso Mpongose from South Africa.

    • #50871
      Samiul Hoque

      Hi,I am Samiul Hoque from Bangladesh.

    • #50863
      Mela Togor

      Hello beautiful people,I am Mela Togor from Nigeria work as a public servant and a community leader.
      I will be happy to discover and learn the hidden secret of Kabbalah

      • #50899
        Rahul Chordia

        Hi Dear Friends

        I am Rrahul Chordia for India .

        I am on pursuit to discover the Hidden Secrets of life and use the knowledge for well being of Humanity.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,713 through 5,718 (of 6,435 total)
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