Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,719 through 5,724 (of 6,423 total)
  • Author
    • #50712
      John Peter

      Hi my name is ndubuisi ibekwe okereke and nice to meet you,from Biafra land, really want to know much about Kabbalah

      • #50723
        chukwuka marley

        Am interested in learning kabbala

        Am chukwuka Daniel

        From Nigeria

        A student

    • #50711
      Ed Mereoară

      Hi Everyone, my name is Ed. I live in Dublin and I am learning to live good life. I am interested to learn, how I must change myself to reach my full capabilities. Thanks

    • #50710

      Hi, I am Speranta and I live in Romania. I’ve always felt that there is much more behind our reality, perceived by the five senses… I believe that Kabbalah will rise the veil of this reality, to find out the real essence/meaning of our life.

    • #50691
      Anisha Brown

      Hi my name is Anisha and I am from the UK.
      I live in London, I am hoping by the end of this course to understand the meaning and purpose of life.

    • #50683
      Aparajito Sengupta

      Hi ! I am Aparajito from India . I took the course as a process of self searching . I had taken an exhaustive Vedanta course previously and I will definitely do a pareto to satiate my rational self. I am excited & looking forward to an enriching journey.

    • #50670

      Groeten  aan iedereen vanuit Gambia . Ik ben Christianne , en  ben  heel  blij  met jullie de cursus kabbalah verder te zetten.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,719 through 5,724 (of 6,423 total)
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