Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,743 through 5,748 (of 6,440 total)
  • Author
    • #50668

      Dag aan iedereen Ik ben Christianne Wouters , een Belgische gehuwde vrouw . We hebben twee zonen. Na mijn loopbaan vertrokken we naar Gambia waar we vrijwilligerswerk doen. Ik ben heel blij gelijkgestemde mensen te ontmoeten en heel blij de cursus Kabbal

    • #50647

      Dear Friends,

      My name is Miryam. I live in New Mexico, USA. I am feeling drawn to KABU like a moth to a flame. What do I hope to receive from this course? A deeper connection with Life, advancement towards becoming an instrument of Bestowal.

      • #50794
        science facts

        hi , my name is Irfan Khalil  i am from Pakistan i am searching for success and fame

    • #50646


      I’m Suresh Babu from Kerala,India. I am excited to learn the spiritual and mystical nuances of other cultures and to inculcate them into our cultural and spiritual intricacies.

    • #50633

      Hi all

      i am alagappan from India

      this pandemic taught that invisible things can make null of all visible things…

      this made me to think who we are,what is the purpose of life,what will happen after we die….these thoughts made me to search internet brought me to KabU and I am excited to learn more ….


    • #50631
      Jackson M

      Hi I’m Jackie from India ……. I am just in search for peace and happiness

    • #50630

      Hi. I am Anil. Have heard about kabbalah and its insights. Feeling excited to learn

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