Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 5,749 through 5,754 (of 6,440 total)
  • Author
    • #50629

      Hi I am Madhur Bhashini,I am new to this science,feeling excited to be united to the universe

    • #50619

      I’m Clive from Vancouver BC. I’m a constant work in progress and in search of anything that can help me become a better version of myself. Was not aware of Kabbalah until a few weeks ago and my inner curiosity kicked in …

    • #50618
      tanuja sharma

      Hi everyone

      i am Tanuja from Delhi India , an advocate by profession , i  have joined with the intent to learn more toward my human revolution and serve my country through its benefit in my day to day profession life , where i am working for the rights of accused and prisoners


    • #50617
      sukita Tamang

      Hi, I am from India and I was waiting for this kind of course which can help me to find my true self. Luckily I found it and I hope it will help me to find my real version.

    • #50600

      Hi, I’m a native of Samar, Philippines, now residing in Pasig City, Metro Manila. I am excited to learn what Kabbalah has to offer for humanity. Thank you organizers and fellow students.

    • #50594

      Hello my name is Larisa, I live in New York, I am excited to learn everything that Kabbalah can offer

Viewing 6 posts - 5,749 through 5,754 (of 6,440 total)
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