Is the world right to hold Jews to a higher standard? If yes, what would that standard be?

New Home Forums Course Forums The World, the Jews and the Science of Human Survival QUANTUM LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF Is the world right to hold Jews to a higher standard? If yes, what would that standard be?

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    • #324756

      I struggle with this. The envy it can create can lead to violence. I don’t know if it something to shout from the rooftops but some one or some collective has to be held to a higher standard and I believe Jews are it.

    • #315906
      Jack Brenon

      Holding someone to higher standards entitles them to a better social status.  not maintaining that higher standard automatically lowers one vital role status (Hub).  An ineffective cell that operates as a hub for the rest of the nodes can become cancerous if it does not pass on the benefits to others after taking her share needed, and by hording the nutrition depriving other cell.

      I would not be surprised at all if the tumor associated with cancer was caused by other cells around it  because they were denied to receive.  By denying the other cells to receive, they begin to engage in acts of rebellion causing further harm to the cancerous cell  in an attempt to kill it.  Curing cancer is not by taking out the infected area, but by equalizing the neighboring cells and allowing them to learn how to receive again.  The same process goed for the speaking level.

    • #312036

      The world should hold higher standards for itself.

    • #302047
      Marko Podgorsek

      No. Not untill we have a definite proof to identify the Jews, like DNA, probably someone who is recognized and has a licence for spirtual perception, if that is needed. It’s not just people of Jewish religion, that doesn’t count. Then the whole world would have to put in an effort to understand what a Jew is, support them in their work and then, only then, the ones that don’t do the work should be judged by higher standard.

      But if all the above happens, then the job of Jews is practically done. Untill then…

    • #298510
      Tove Jo

      Si se il mondo capisce il ruolo dei ebreo …ce bisogno di rispettare gli ebrei e unirci per creare l unità e ricevere la correzione  dal creatore che e importante per tutte le due parti.

    • #292151

      If nature is holding Jews to this higher standard then the world; which is part of nature, must also do the same. That standard would be altruistic and love based.

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