Preparation Question: From everything we’ve learned until now, what can we say about our work with the light that reforms? By what means can we strengthen the influence of the reforming light?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 3 Discuss Preparation Question: From everything we’ve learned until now, what can we say about our work with the light that reforms? By what means can we strengthen the influence of the reforming light?

  • #57417

    Preparation Question: How is spreading the wisdom of Kabbalah related to fulfilling my private correction in the general system?

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    • #368712

      Spreading the wisdom of Kabbalah is required to create like-minded people with the same intention to connect to each other.  It otherwise becomes difficult to connect to those who do not understand our reality and the need for all of us to develop the correct intention to use our ego for altruistic purposes.

    • #368258
      Seamus Dolan

      How is spreading the wisdom of Kabbalah related to fulfilling my private correction in the general system?

      Spreading the wisdom of Kabbalah is necessary to allow correction of the worldwide souls, which is essential for individual correction, otherwise one cannot advance. I depend on the others, specifically a true connection with them, as we are already in a global system of interconnected souls, hence we correct ourselves by disseminating this wisdom.


    • #367206

      By correcting myself I correct my part in others and others need to correct themselves in order to correct their part in me. By spreading the wisdom of Kabbalah others may choose to correct themselves, thus correcting their part in me.

    • #364067

      By connecting with others.

    • #364013

      As everyone is part of me and I part of them we all experience correction via “individual” attainment.

    • #363293

      In this way we reach devekut. We prepared the vessel for the Light.

      Thank you.

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