Preparation Question: From everything we’ve learned until now, what can we say about our work with the light that reforms? By what means can we strengthen the influence of the reforming light?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 3 Discuss Preparation Question: From everything we’ve learned until now, what can we say about our work with the light that reforms? By what means can we strengthen the influence of the reforming light?

  • #57417

    Preparation Question: How is spreading the wisdom of Kabbalah related to fulfilling my private correction in the general system?

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    • #385709

      By showing the whole system on how to correct itself by way of the method.

    • #385666
      Francois Bernard

      We can apply the way we correct ourselves, hence, going forward

    • #385282

      I’m not so sure. But it’s a necessary step towards my own correction. I believe by others knowing the wisdom, they help add to the total collective that will have points in the heart.

    • #384732

      By expanding the point in the heart

    • #384719

      I’m guessing it’s sharing? Not sure I fully understand.

    • #384698

      The Light that reforms pulls me to a higher state of altruism according to my efforts of connection with others. It responds to my spiritual aspiration – shining its Light from within me, changing me, and pulling me to this whole new level of ascension.

      Dissemination of the wisdom of Kabbalah, contemplation and prayers, reading Kabbalistic texts, joining Kabbalistic groups/circles/congress, working with friends who share the same spiritual desire, elevating their desires above our own, choosing to be in an environment where the Light can influence us (people, books, teachers).



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