Preparation Prompt: Considering our journey thus far, how can we fortify our connection with the illuminating force? How do we amplify its transformative influence?

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  • #41570

    Preparation Prompt: Considering our journey thus far, how can we fortify our connection with the illuminating force? How do we amplify its transformative influence?

Viewing 6 posts - 55 through 60 (of 364 total)
  • Author
    • #387283

      By working in a group, recognising our inner self (working on that ego) and cultivating the point in the heart ❤️.

    • #386108

      connect with a group that has the same desire

    • #384233

      Consistent studies on the wisdom of Kabbalah, unceasing prayers for the Creator to transform our egoistic ways to altruism, immersing ourselves in a community seeking the same spiritual path.

      Practicing altruism in everything we do. Loving our neighbours as ourselves.

    • #383864
      Edward Onyango

      Building an environment that will influence us

    • #383758
      Francois Bernard

      By not pushing as per say and  being a conduct – the right place at the right time.

    • #383629

      By immensing ourselves in an environment that is similar in desire.

Viewing 6 posts - 55 through 60 (of 364 total)
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