Preparation Prompt: Considering our journey thus far, how can we fortify our connection with the illuminating force? How do we amplify its transformative influence?

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  • #41570

    Preparation Prompt: Considering our journey thus far, how can we fortify our connection with the illuminating force? How do we amplify its transformative influence?

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    • #321325

      This is a quote from Exodus 3:13 (King James version, bold type is my emphasis)

      In the previous verses, God appeared to Moses in the Burning Bush and commanded him to go to Egypt and tell the Pharaoh to release the Israelites.

      13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? 14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

      This is all deep, deep Kabbalistic writing, as we have been taught.  I point to this quote, in the context of this question:  “By what means can we strengthen the influence of the reforming light?”  for two reasons:

      First, it is the crucial Awareness of our own I AM Beingness, which extends directly from the Creator’s Essence, that we can begin to perceive the Creator, through Faith Above Reason.  Faith Above Reason is Awareness of the Creator.  See the Chapter, “Perceiving the Creator” in Rabbi Laitman’s book “Attaining the Worlds Beyond”.
      Second, what is Actually surrounding us and filling us at each moment is the Creator’s Light of Truth and Love.  He IS the I AM, and when we feel our own I Am sense of our own lives, we touch upon that inner core of Truth that The Creator instilled into each of His Creations.

      This is not a tricky exercise, not a meditation, not any kind of a mental process, or of our imagination.  Everyone has a sense of “I”, but what we attach to our sense of “I” is all programmed from our infancy:  I am a boy, or girl, or other, I am a Catholic, Buddhist, Muslim, etc., I am a mother, father, etc., etc., etc., on and on into all the self-identifications that we have ingrained as who I Am.  We are taught in Kabbalah that our very essence is a will to receive for ourselves alone.  And this is what most people identify as who I Am.

      The reforming light is all around us, in us, and pouring through us though, 24/7.  We can put our attention on our own I Am that is above all of these superficial, programmed, illusory identifications, and intend to become aware of the I Am that is a direct extension of the Creator’s I AM.  This will then open us directly to His Reforming Light.

      We will begin to see very clearly that the Treasure of connection to the Creator is already “in our pocket” and He can give us the “Gift of Knowing”  this.  Then we will see that, Actually, we never could have been simply a creature with a will to receive for ourselves alone, but have always, from the instant of Creation, been of His very Essence of Love and Bestowal.

      Then we will begin to see everything in our life from this True Perception of our innermost connection to the Creator.

      Love and Blessings to all.

    • #321275

      Our work with the Light that reforms becomes EVERYTHING! Without THAT there is no moving towards equivalence of form and therefore become a bestower.

    • #321218
      Ann Stephens

      The light that reforms is always there, we just need to adjust our perception in order to notice it. To strengthen the influence of the reforming light, Kabbalists say to read source material, have a teacher and a study group. I have very little personal experience with this.

    • #321059
      Andres Arias

      Have to continue ascending

    • #320998

      By connection

    • #320956

      By constantly working with the method of Kabbalah, in all self honesty, with an open mind, and praying for the creator to enlighten our way

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