Preparation Prompt: Considering our journey thus far, how can we fortify our connection with the illuminating force? How do we amplify its transformative influence?

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  • #41570

    Preparation Prompt: Considering our journey thus far, how can we fortify our connection with the illuminating force? How do we amplify its transformative influence?

Viewing 6 posts - 283 through 288 (of 363 total)
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    • #288757

      By having the desire to receive with the intention to bestow, the right books, the right teachers, and having the right environment.

    • #288707

      From childhood I felt like I had a miraculous seed in my soul, but I didn’t know anything about it. It was as if I was carrying this seed in my pocket without knowledge about where and how to plant it, knowing only that it is the most important thing. About two months ago I discovered the wisdom of Kabbalah, and my seed began to sprout, enlightened by the reforming light. Now I have learned about the seed that it is destined to become a beautiful rose, so I do my best for it to have light and growing conditions.
      It is clear now that the Kabbalah environment is beneficial for the rosebud to start growing and to strengthen the influence of the reforming light.

      I wish the reforming light to shine on all the rose buds in this environment, so together to bloom and create a beautiful garden and with its fragrance and beauty it may soften people’s hearts and open them.

    • #288477


    • #288466
      Kári Allansson

      Focus on my intention towards other people.

    • #288457

      By building a bigger vessel that can contain the light. Studying the Kabbalistic texts and composing the perfect prayers together with the friends

    • #288442

      The advantage of working with the energy of light is that it bypasses our thoughts about it and the energy itself is able to have a healing and correcting effect on us.  I hope to feel the energy of this light with increasing strength as we progress and that I find a ten that will further support this.

Viewing 6 posts - 283 through 288 (of 363 total)
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