Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

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  • Author
    • #430285

      By scrutinizing our desires and intentions

    • #428798
      Akoos Mabeo

      Being aware of and connecting with this upper force with the understanding that it’s the only one controlling everything

    • #428624
      Lily Palacios

      Affinity, altruistic intentions

    • #428130

      By beginning the process of correction and following the path to spiritual growth – with the intention of becoming like the light of creation, by first loving our neighbors as ourselves, on to loving the will to bestow and transforming ourselves to come from the intention of bestowal. All the while seeking to develop an affinity with the One.

    • #427636
      Rex Jebamoney

      We need to change from living according to our egocentric desires to living according to the laws of creation.

    • #427635

      The first step is awareness. Awareness of our own qualities, awareness of the Creator and His qualities. Awareness of our lacking in the qualities of the Creator. Then we can begin to get in touch with this force through the process of refining ourselves and bringing our qualities closer to that of the Creator’s.

      Consciousness is awareness, and as we increase our level of awareness in various aspects, our consciousness will be equally lifted.

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