Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

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    • #411613

      We get in touch with the upper force by opening the 6th sense.

      But how can we do that? Yes, by acting like Creator. But this is still theoretically. How can we practice that in our present life on Earth?

      I see on the internet a lot of people talking about Akashice record. A lot of people talking and dealing with many tips of energy. I didn’t try any of those.

      I was looking about something to believe in. I stopped to Kabbalah. I am curious to see what is next.

      Thank you!


    • #410356
      Andrew Russo

      by correcting our intention and study the wisdom of kabbalah with other people

    • #410355
      Andrew Russo

      by our intention to correct our desire to recieve, to a desire of bestowal

    • #409868

      By being childlike (be innocent like a child.  Have faith that it will all come out good in the end because in reality it is all good.  We are just dreaming according to our perceptions.  Is there some tiny bit of truth to this (no ego included).

    • #408528

      By being proactive and not reactive, by having the right intention when giving to others; meaning giving for the sake of giving not expecting or wanting anything in return.  By attaining the teaching through my persistent study and desire to connect with the upper forces to earn my way back home to the light.


    • #408072
      Chloe Lymburner


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