Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

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    • #403350

      i can not do anything here that in actuality make me act mutually but I can toil and work from below so that He sees how I’m at least egotistically trying to cling and long for him so he can shorten the time for my correction so I can truly start loving other even for the smallest bit.

    • #402280

      I feel I am able to get in touch with the upper force in order to work with It by striving to ensure that I use what I receive in order to bestow unto the rest of my Self to give back to It. I work to walk in gratitude and shower all that is with blessings and unconditional love. I am so grateful for this wisdom and the understanding it provides us. Thank You.

    • #401785
      Katrina Leeks

      Of course, the intention is always something to work on first. And my interactions with others, as the other students have said, is very important. Yet,  I have many questions sometimes and I’m restless. I want to make sense of  life and to make the next connection, to get a sense of the Creator. It helps me to fully understand what I’m feeling and why, then I read our teachers books and explore the YouTube videos if I can’t do anything else.

    • #401773

      By intention and desire to attain the upper worlds and by working on correcting the 613 egoistic desires into altruistic attainments.


    • #401677

      By studying Kabbalah specifically with a group.

    • #401617

      My understanding is that we can get in touch with the upper force by layering an intention to bestow like the Creator upon our program of reception. Doing so mindfully and as continually as possible allows us to strive to achieve equivalence of form of colorless Light\unconditional Love. This can be most directly accomplished by studying the wisdom of Kabbalah and working with the 10. I am so grateful for these teachings.

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