Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

Viewing 6 posts - 415 through 420 (of 694 total)
  • Author
    • #307189

      To be in the present.

    • #307116
      Francis Carrier

      By being aware to change our perception toward our change of intention.

      Our change of intention will help us change our perception in equivalence of form with the upper force, and thus begin to discern its point of view.

    • #307110

      I need to create a screen over my will to receive that also becomes a will to bestow which means my intention must be altruistic and not egoistical so that I can develop equivalence of form with the creator.

    • #307077
      John Caton

      Through a change of my intention.

    • #307067
      Leah Bergman

      I think our intention is what sparks the point in our heart.

    • #307050

      I’m not sure how to. I think I have to learn more. I think it has to do with your intention.

Viewing 6 posts - 415 through 420 (of 694 total)
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