Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

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    • #286869
      Nicky Boo

      We connect with the upper world, or above, I clumsily parse, by recognizing the ego, recognizing we are quite incapable of change and very self centered to the point of shame since all we do is in self service – even kind acts are done to receive goody vibes to bloat the ego. In seeing this, we then realize we, alone, cannot change our nature and be more altruistic and, instead, must ask God to help us because only the divine has the ability to alter our nature and guide us towards a less ego centered way of living and into a life of true giving.

      These are just rough thoughts, since this is all quite complex for me and it will take my little brain time to properly process it.

    • #286854

      There are several ways… but the main goal is probably to be more similar with the force – more the will to bestow than the will to receive. And the way to achieve this goal is the way to get in closer contact with the Creator, I think.

    • #286852
      Kári Allansson

      Feeling the lack of light seems to be the starting point.

    • #286796

      We can do this by correcting our intentions to allow more of the light to fill our vessels.

    • #286622

      We get in touch with the upper force by carving it, feeling the lack of it. And to act with this force mutually it means to maintain the relationship with it, to make it your best friend with whom to have an infinity of adventures and joys.

    • #285927

      With changing mi intention then my perception

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