Preparation Question: If everyone must reach the ultimate goal, what is my role in the process?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: If everyone must reach the ultimate goal, what is my role in the process?

Viewing 6 posts - 181 through 186 (of 326 total)
  • Author
    • #314442
      Devorah Vidal

      my role is to learn what my role is and do it

    • #313636

      My role is to study the wisdom of the Zohar, to pray to the Creator to change me, my attitude, to give me the strength to correct my egoist state of being, to recognize evil within me, to desire this above all else; when I desire this, all else will follow.

    • #313599

      My role is to elevate my conscious to to help support the growth of the entire collective, to love and be of service to others

    • #313567
      Lora Vatalaro

      My goal in the process is to work to correct my ego so that I truly can love my neighbor as myself.  My goal is to contribute my unique correction to the system.

    • #313522
      William Taylor

      Just to do as he (the creator) says to do love, to seek him with all my heart conduct myself as such. And share whatever I learned with who ever wants to know.

    • #313309

      To do my best to support others in the process while achieving my own attainment.

Viewing 6 posts - 181 through 186 (of 326 total)
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