Preparation Question: If everyone must reach the ultimate goal, what is my role in the process?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: If everyone must reach the ultimate goal, what is my role in the process?

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    • #281145

      correcting myself, and connecting with others in the same common goal.

    • #281117

      My role in the process of humanity reaching the ultimate goal is to correct my desires by working in the correct spiritual environment.

    • #280910

      To be an amplifier of the light.

    • #280835

      to attain equivalence of form with the creator

    • #280176

      My role is to help do the groundwork and dirty jobs (like Mike Rowe) for the Messiah to bring God down to Earth in our age. Bestow by engaging in acts of  peace with alleged enemies of the State, bring the wisdom of His Creation to the students of science,  and chart  the path for universal life, prosperity and, ultimately, immortality. But I alone can’t possibly succeed unless everyone in KabU, including our instructors, not only participates with earnest effort in the project, but leads me. I am flawed and incomplete as a recipient of G-d’s grace and blessings.  It’s time, that’s all: no superhuman feat require here and now, just small but brave steps.

    • #251656
      Gelaye Gudisa

      How could I know what is my life mission?

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