Preparation Question: If everyone must reach the ultimate goal, what is my role in the process?

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    • #361019
      Leyah Lynette Evol

      Shalom Instructors and Friends,

      I wrote this poem last Saturday.  I think this is my role. 🙂

      Divine Mother
      Divine Mother awake and shake off the sleep
      Deep rivers flow, forego the desert plains and blood stains
      where chaos reigns internally and externally for eternity
      We weep while you sleep.
      The sheep wander free in chains, with no gains in sight because
      they like to fight, despite their plight Creator sheds His light
      and invites you to shew them in and begin collecting the pieces
      that the leaches feast upon to be like the Sun.
      I shake till you rise, my cries strong and loud, pound the door
      for you to restore balance and reason in the Messianic Season.
      Remember me … voice, you have the choice, free will to serve,
      you deserve the chair, the throne, yours to own, you never walked alone,
      what you were seeking was seeking you, in every flower, sunset, and blade of grass,
      all you had to do was ask.  Now Creator is calling you, to step out of standing in the queue
      to pursue His Desires, which requires your vessel to carry His light, co-create delight and joy for us all to enjoy how He intended this life to be, unencumbered from being dense
      head toward intense understanding harmony, and love emulating the One above.
      Divine Mother, rinse your eyes in fresh water the daughters of the Earth thirst for insight, and alleviate their plight with your story fill the Earth with His Glory.
      He will lift you high in the sky filled with illuminating light even the night stars will shine and align a new course, no recourse to foresee except for His Majesty.
      Sit Divine Mother while I wash your feet, anoint them with oil, cushioned on a bed of soft tender grass, Oh! Divine Mother see how He carries you and adorns you with fresh white robes, crowned in His Glory … now go and tell your story, by His side and ride on clouds that shroud the Earth rebirth a song … we all belong.

    • #361018

      to bestow!

    • #360856

      It is to consciously place myself in an environment where I can accelerate my learning to receive the upper force to bring me to my fulfilment of equivalence of form with the Creator.

    • #360822

      To Bestow in stead of receiving for oneself.

    • #360062
      Seamus Dolan

      Preparation Question: If everyone must reach the ultimate goal, what is my role in the process?

      My role is to correct myself.

    • #359850
      Frank Shongwe

      To reach equivalence of form with the creator in that way assisting the whole to be one

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