Preparation Question: If everyone must reach the ultimate goal, what is my role in the process?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: If everyone must reach the ultimate goal, what is my role in the process?

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  • Author
    • #393908

      To serve my fellow man in love.

    • #393575

      At this moment, I feel that my role is to stay close to the Creator- to cultivate a relationship with the Creator, so that I may remember and align with the Creator’s qualties.

    • #393567

      To correct myself and connect to others

    • #393329

      Connect with others to help them advance, trying my best on this journey, reflecting on where I am and going on from there, correcting what I am able to reveal as being an egoistic state. Listen to my friends‘ advice and reflection, and knowing it is a lifelong process, and not a race….show mercy towards myself and others… for maybe not getting where I  feel I should.

    • #387029
      David the Bruce

      My role is to correct that which I was put here to correct.  We all have our own part of the puzzle to work on.

    • #386747
      Renata Klem

      My role is to correct my selfish desires so that I can correct the world within me.

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