Preparation Prompt: Envision a world where individuals are interconnected through the spiritual principle of love. How would societal dilemmas be approached differently in such a paradigm?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 5 Discuss Preparation Prompt: Envision a world where individuals are interconnected through the spiritual principle of love. How would societal dilemmas be approached differently in such a paradigm?

  • #57434

    Preparation Prompt: Envision a world where individuals are interconnected through the spiritual principle of love. How would societal dilemmas be approached differently in such a paradigm?

Viewing 6 posts - 139 through 144 (of 211 total)
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    • #304047

      Q1a: Our physical world can become a spiritual world only through rising above our ego to connect with other points in the heart; and which is the only key to reveal the Light Force of the Creator.

      Q1b: The converter that transforms the physical into the spiritual is the right Intention during connection within the Lab or spiritual environment; and that is the ‘Intention to bestow selfless love, pleasure and contentment to the Creator’.

    • #304037
      Marko Podgorsek

      Converter is the group. By connecting with the group we ‘simulate’ the spiritual state and then little by little we rise to that state and it becomes our new world.

    • #302051

      Place yourself in the right environment with other people who have the point in the heart. By forming these groups around the world then our world becomes a spiritual world.

    • #302048

      Plant yourself in the right environment. Guaranteed to find everything that your searching for. Instructor Gil.

    • #301881

      The force that we find between each other in the group guides us to salvation. It is the connection we develop with each other in the ten that lights the way for such a transformation.

    • #301157
      Abe Tapia

      A spiritual world is where everything and everyone is connected for the purpose of bestowing to one another and bringing contentment to the creator.  So let us love one another and become one with all creation.

Viewing 6 posts - 139 through 144 (of 211 total)
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